Qusong County held the work scheduling meeting of "two responsibilities" for food safety
2024-05-17 11:03:45      Source: Qusong, Netcom

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Recently, Qusong County held a work scheduling meeting of "two responsibilities" for food safety, and Hu Jianbin, deputy county head of Qusong County and deputy director of the Food Safety Committee, attended the meeting and made a speech.

The meeting reported the supervision and inspection of the "two responsibilities" work for food safety in the first quarter of 2024. All townships (towns) reported on the recent work and typical practices, analyzed the outstanding problems in the current work, and made a comprehensive deployment of the "two responsibilities" work for food safety in the next step.

The meeting stressed that it is necessary to focus on rectification against problems, conduct comprehensive self-examination and rectification against notified problems, and make up for weaknesses; It is necessary to strengthen publicity, supervision and inspection, ensure that all levels of contract guarantee cadres and food production and operation subjects have a good understanding of their ideas, responsibilities and work measures, and promote the implementation of the "two responsibilities".

Editor in charge: He Yongqing

Sponsor: Publicity Department of Tibetan Qusong County Committee of the Communist Party of China Address: No.1 Zhuokang Road, Qusong County, Shannan, Tibet Tel: 0893-7332130
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