Bianba Ciren investigates the development of cultivated land reserve resources
2024-05-07 10:34:00      Source: Qusong, Netcom

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On April 30, Bian Baciren, deputy secretary of Qusong County Party Committee and head of Qusong County, went to Duisun Township and Qiuduojiang Township to investigate the development of cultivated land reserve resources.

Bian Ba Ciren went deep into Luocun Village of Dusui Township and Jiangtang Village of Qiuduojiang Township to select sites for farmland reserve resource development, talked with relevant responsible persons, listened to the planning, talked about progress, asked about difficulties, and held on-site office meetings to arrange deployment. He pointed out that the development of cultivated land reserve resources is a specific action to implement the spirit of the important instructions and instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping. Departments at all levels should strictly implement the deployment requirements of the autonomous region party committee and the municipal party committee, firmly shoulder the political responsibility of cultivated land protection, strengthen work measures, implement work responsibilities, ensure that the development of cultivated land reserve resources is effective, and contribute to national food security.

Bianba Ciren requested that the development should be strengthened. We will continue to strengthen the thorough investigation, fully understand the quantity, quality and distribution of cultivated land reserve resources, adopt measures according to local conditions and accurately implement policies, accelerate the selection and development of cultivated land reserve resources that meet the policy requirements and the actual situation of Qusong, and constantly consolidate the foundation of cultivated land protection in the county. Accelerate the work progress. Focusing on goals and tasks, focusing on time nodes, increasing efforts to run the operation, striving for policy support at all levels, speeding up the handling of early procedures in accordance with the principle of "one mature, one implemented", and striving to complete more than 50% of the arable land reserve resource tasks by the end of June. We should strengthen capital efficiency. Fully combine the actual situation of Qusong, reasonably arrange capital investment, effectively give play to capital efficiency, ensure that capital is spent on the cutting edge, and resolutely eliminate capital waste. We should solicit opinions from a wide range of people. Carefully learn from the good experience and practices of brother counties (districts), fully consider the land demand of the masses, comprehensively analyze the rationality and feasibility of the development and utilization of cultivated land reserve resources, actively solicit opinions and suggestions from the masses, and effectively create a good atmosphere of active support and full cooperation of the masses. We should strengthen joint efforts to tackle key problems. All departments at all levels should firmly establish the idea of "one game of chess", compact their responsibilities layer by layer, strengthen communication and cooperation, coordinate water, capital, technology and other issues as a whole, and form a strong joint force to fully promote the work.

During this period, Bian Baziren also communicated with the leaders of Duisun Township and Qiudojiang Township, listened to the reports on the work of increasing the income of the masses, project construction, and staying in the village, and put forward requirements on doing a good job in the study and education of party discipline, maintaining stability, safety in production, and other work.

Tuo Yonghong, deputy head of Qusong County, and heads of the County Government Office, Duisan Township, Qiudojiang Township, County Natural Resources Bureau, Agriculture and Rural Affairs Bureau, Water Resources Bureau, and Forestry and Grass Bureau attended the meeting.

Editor in charge: He Yongqing

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