The delegation from Hubei Vocational Engineering College visited Qusong County for guidance
2023-08-02 16:13:55      Source: Qusong County Cyberspace Office

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Recently, Qiu Zhiguo, Vice President of Edong Vocational Education Group and Vice President of Hubei Vocational Engineering College, and a group of six people visited Qusong County for guidance and held a donation ceremony. Zhao Yanzhong, Executive Deputy Secretary of the County Party Committee and Executive Deputy County Chief, and Sorangzaxi, Deputy County Chief, attended.

At the ceremony, Sorangzaxi introduced the economic and social development of the whole county, and the deputy director of the County Development and Reform Commission introduced the development of Tibet assistance in recent years.

Huangshi Development Zone Management Committee and Tieshan District Government signed an educational strategic cooperation agreement with the county government, and donated 1 million yuan worth of educational information equipment to the education system.

The meeting called for extensive exchanges and continued profound friendship. We should continue to maintain close and friendly exchanges, further improve the mechanism of regular mutual visits, strengthen mutual visits between the two places, departmental counterpart contacts and in-depth social exchanges, deepen multi-level, three-dimensional and extensive exchanges and exchanges, and continue to enhance the deep friendship between the two places where blood is thicker than water; We should deepen exchanges and promote the development of education. We need to deepen and improve the communication mechanism, help Qusong County build a team of excellent local teachers who can not be taken away by simultaneously "going out and inviting in", implementing the "twinning project" of mentoring, establishing a "famous teacher studio", and formulating specific mentoring plans; We should make in-depth integration to build a model of national unity. We should take advantage of Huangshi's advantages in all aspects, increase investment in Tibet aid, further establish and improve the exchange and cooperation mechanism at all levels, further expand the space for cooperation and support, including promoting resource sharing, policy reciprocity, etc., and constantly promote the exchanges and exchanges between the two regions to be more extensive and deeper in achieving win-win cooperation, And jointly forge a new chapter of national unity in the new era of the two places.

This activity further enhanced the friendship of Huangshi Qusong, promoted exchanges and exchanges among ethnic groups, and provided support for the development of Qusong's education.

Editor in charge: Li Chenghui

Sponsor: Publicity Department of Tibetan Qusong County Committee of the Communist Party of China Address: No.1 Zhuokang Road, Qusong County, Shannan, Tibet Tel: 0893-7332130
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