The Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Office of Luobusha Town carried out the "one-stop" service of agricultural machinery purchase subsidies
2023-04-06 16:31:16      Source: Qusong County Cyberspace Office

Recently, the Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Office of Luobusha Town, Qusong County carried out the "one-stop" service of agricultural machinery purchase subsidies, and effectively opened up the "last mile" of serving the people.

Provide efficient and convenient services. The staff issued the product list to the registration personnel, explained the relevant procedures and the amount of subsidies from the superior in detail, answered the questions for the masses on the spot, and carefully counted the agricultural machinery needed by the masses.

Publicize policies through multiple channels. The staff publicized the agricultural machinery purchase subsidy policy to the masses by means of door-to-door propaganda, going deep into the field, issuing leaflets, etc., so that the subsidy policy can go deep into thousands of households, and truly implement and benefit the people.

Help people buy agricultural machinery. Organize the "two committees" of the village and agricultural machinery buyers to go to the sales department of Xinong Group Co., Ltd. in Naidong District, Shannan City to help the masses purchase agricultural machinery, translate and explain the standardized operation process of machinery and precautions for safe use to the masses, and effectively ensure the safety of farmers' machinery.

This time, we provided assistance to 10 households and Luobusha Village collectives. The total purchase amount was 113080 yuan, and the national subsidy was 24770 yuan.

Editor in charge: Li Chenghui

Sponsor: Publicity Department of Tibetan Qusong County Committee of the Communist Party of China Address: No.1 Zhuokang Road, Qusong County, Shannan, Tibet Tel: 0893-7332130
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