Si Gangcun Chairs the (Enlarged) Meeting of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee
2024-04-30 11:20:14      Source: Qusong, Netcom

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On April 28, Si Gangcun, secretary of Qusong County Party Committee, presided over the 71st (enlarged) meeting of the 10th Standing Committee of the County Party Committee.

Si Gangcun pointed out that all departments at all levels of the county, especially the economic department, should carefully study and understand, seize opportunities, take the initiative, comprehensively compare and carefully sort out, make full use of various preferential policies, seize the first opportunity to promote project implementation, focus on promoting high-quality development of the county economy, and effectively transform policy advantages into economic advantages and development advantages.

Si Gangcun stressed that it is necessary to persevere in developing and strengthening industries with distinctive advantages, base on the advantages of distinctive resources in agriculture and animal husbandry, adhere to cultivating industries with distinctive advantages, increase efforts to promote the development of mineral resources and clean energy according to local conditions, vigorously promote the cultural tourism industry, and effectively promote the integrated development of three industries. We should systematically optimize the pattern of land and space development and protection, focus on key areas of ecological environment protection, increase efforts to protect and repair the ecological environment, increase efforts to rectify the feedback problems of environmental protection supervisors at all levels, actively plan, connect and run major projects in the ecological field, and effectively promote high-quality development with high-level protection. We should make overall plans to promote in-depth reform and high-level opening up, make full use of the Tibet aid platform, increase investment attraction efforts, focus on improving the ability and level of economic work, improve the depth and breadth of opening up, and constantly improve the level of opening up to the outside world. We should make every effort to promote the new urbanization and rural revitalization strategy, normalize the improvement of rural human settlements, seize the time to promote the separation of human beings and livestock, improve the standardized, institutionalized and long-term institutional mechanisms for the improvement of human settlements, strengthen supervision and inspection, and effectively solve the problems that are difficult to rectify and consolidate. We should make every effort to ensure that the overall social situation is sustainable, harmonious and stable, always put maintaining stability as the first task and primary political responsibility, adhere to the main line of building a strong sense of the Chinese national community, highlight the key work of letters and visits, religion, grass-roots governance, and earnestly safeguard national unity and social stability.

The meeting required that the original text should be read in its original form, the regulations should be learned word for word, the fundamental reasons and goals of studying the Regulations on Discipline and Punishment of the Communist Party of China should be clearly understood, and some party members and cadres should effectively solve the problems of not paying attention to, not understanding, and not mastering party rules and disciplines, so as to truly achieve unity of thought, will, and action. We should adhere to the problem orientation, carefully reflect on the "Regulations of the Communist Party of China on Disciplinary Punishment", think deeply about whether the implementation is in place, constantly standardize our words and deeds, earnestly shoulder the responsibility of governing the party, and unswervingly promote the comprehensive and in-depth development of strict governance of the party. It is necessary to strengthen the organization and leadership, make overall plans for warning education, learning and training, strengthen daily supervision and inspection, and ensure the quality and effectiveness of learning.

The meeting stressed that we should do a good job in political construction, keep a clear head at all times, take a clear and firm stand in the face of major political principles, resolutely implement the decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee, district party committees, municipal party committees and county party committees, and educate and guide party members, cadres and the masses to strive to set an example of firmly supporting the "two establishment" and firmly achieving the "two maintenance". We should focus on ideological construction, adhere to the learning meeting of the theoretical learning center group of the county party committee as the main channel, and continue to promote the normalization and long-term effectiveness of the study and implementation of Xi Jinping's socialist ideology theme education with Chinese characteristics for a new era. We should do a good job in organizational construction, continue to strengthen the daily supervision and management of party members and cadres, actively develop the ranks of party members, and give full play to the vanguard and exemplary role of party members and the role of grass-roots party organizations as battle bastions. We should do a good job in building a clean government, give full play to the role of discipline inspection and supervision departments, make good use of the "four forms" of supervision and discipline enforcement, strengthen the management of "beyond eight hours", consciously purify the social circle, life circle, and circle of friends, and constantly enhance the consciousness and firmness of observing rules and disciplines. We should do a good job in style building, continue to rectify violations of the eight central regulations and the spirit of their implementation rules, increase efforts to rectify formalism and bureaucracy, make a good overall plan to reduce the number of fine cultural institutions and supervise, inspect and examine the work, resolutely put an end to formalism at the fingertips, continue to loosen ties and reduce burdens at the grassroots level, and create good conditions for grassroots cadres and officials to start businesses. We should do a good job in system construction, implement the Party's internal systems and regulations with high standards and strict requirements, and make the system work effectively.

The meeting stressed that rectifying the unhealthy tendencies and corruption around the masses is a major task deployed by the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core, a practical matter expected by cadres and the masses, and a major event related to the foundation of the Party's governance. We should implement policies well, distribute funds in the field of people's livelihood in full and on time, and implement projects in the field of people's livelihood with high standards. We should solve the difficulties, concentrate on solving the outstanding problems in education, medical care, health, transportation and other fields, and effectively improve economic and social benefits. We should maintain order, focus on maintaining and promoting social fairness and justice, and fully protect the legitimate rights and interests of the people. We should rectify the problems, persist in finding and handling them together, and concentrate our efforts on solving the problems of misconduct and corruption around the masses. The Party committee (leading group) should earnestly perform its main responsibilities, and the members of the group should take their own responsibilities, and do a good job in the centralized rectification work in the areas in their charge.

The meeting stressed that it is necessary to improve the position, strengthen the clear understanding of the primary task of maintaining stability, resolutely overcome paralytic thoughts, war weariness and fluke mentality, pay close attention to the implementation of stability maintenance measures, compact the responsibility of stability maintenance, and effectively maintain the harmonious and stable social situation of the whole county. It is necessary to clarify the objectives, strengthen the orientation of key work, strictly implement the requirements of "five strict precautions" and "ten aspects of key work", comprehensively sort out and eliminate all kinds of risks and hidden dangers in a timely manner. It is necessary to refine measures to ensure social harmony and stability, strictly keep on duty and prepare for work, timely resolve letters and visits, and make every effort to do a good job in safety production in road traffic, non coal mines, construction, geological disasters, campus and other fields. We need to improve the system, strengthen the Party's absolute leadership over the maintenance of stability, strengthen practical drills, improve the system and mechanism, and concentrate human, financial and material resources to deepen and refine the stability maintenance work, without discount or flexibility, and promote the implementation of various stability maintenance measures.

The meeting stressed that we should strengthen the ideological and political leadership in the united front field, closely unite forces in all fields, and maintain a high degree of consistency with the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core in ideology, politics, and action. We should continue to promote the building of national unity and progress, actively promote exchanges and exchanges among ethnic groups, make good use of the building carrier, enrich the building forms, and ensure the success of the building of a national demonstration county of national unity and progress. We should promote the healthy development of the private economy, give full play to the role of the United Front Department as a bridge, pave more roads and build more bridges, take the initiative to provide private enterprises with policies and create opportunities, help them improve their development ability and level, and attract and drive more people to increase their income and become rich. We should strengthen the Party's leadership over the work of the united front, compact responsibilities, strengthen the team, improve the style of work, pay close attention to implementation, and constantly create a new situation in the work of the united front.

The meeting listened to the report on the work of the united front of the county party committee and the work of the national security committee of the county party committee, and reviewed and approved in principle the Key Points for the Work of the Leading Group for Party Construction of the County Party Committee in 2024, the Key Points for the Work of the National Security Committee of the County Party Committee in 2024, the Overall Plan for Maintaining Stability in Qusong County in 2024, and the Key Points for the Work of Qusong County Stability Maintenance Headquarters in 2024 Key Points for the Work of the United Front Leading Group of the County Party Committee in 2024.

The meeting made comprehensive arrangements for key work such as agricultural and animal husbandry production, project construction, budget implementation, safe production, village work, and clean holidays during the "May Day" period.

Other matters were also studied.

Editor in charge: He Yongqing

Sponsor: Publicity Department of Tibetan Qusong County Committee of the Communist Party of China Address: No.1 Zhuokang Road, Qusong County, Shannan, Tibet Tel: 0893-7332130
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