The sixth batch of Tibetan aid teams in Huangshi helped Qusong's education develop in a high-quality way
2024-05-07 10:22:42      Source: Qusong, Netcom

Recently, the first batch of Tibetan education support groups in Huangshi successfully arrived in Qusong to carry out work, which marks another solid step forward in Huangshi's education and Tibet assistance work. Since coming to Tibet in July 2022, the sixth batch of Tibetan aid teams in Huangshi City have insisted on taking education aid to Tibet as the number one livelihood project in the work of helping Tibet. They have made concerted efforts in projects, talents, funds, long-term mechanism construction and other aspects, comprehensively helped Qusong County to steadily improve the level of education, and left behind long-term Tibetan aid achievements for the local people.

Promote infrastructure construction and lay a solid foundation for Qusong education

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The picture shows the progress of the project supervised by Zhao Yanzhong

In today's Qusong County Middle School, the brand new basketball court, clean and tidy canteen, and fully functional dormitory areas are scattered. The functional areas of the school are constructed reasonably and orderly. But two years ago, Qusong County Middle School was not like this.

"Limited by objective conditions such as funds, the construction of student canteens, dormitories and staff dormitories in the school was not perfect before, and the infrastructure was relatively weak," said the leader of Qusong County Middle School.

Infrastructure construction is the basis for high-quality development of education. In 2023, the sixth batch of Tibetan aid teams in Huangshi City actively implemented the standardized reconstruction project of Qusong County Middle School with a total investment of 5.4 million yuan, upgraded the canteen, faculty and student accommodation buildings for the school, built an outdoor basketball court, etc. After the completion of the project, Qusong County Middle School will take on a new look, and the school canteen will also successfully meet the standard of standardized canteen for autonomous region level cooks.

The canteen and accommodation conditions are better, the students have a more solid guarantee for learning, and the teaching staff are more enthusiastic about teaching and educating people. At the beginning of May, the on-site meeting on campus food safety of the Tibet Autonomous Region was planned to be held in Qusong County, marking that the construction of education infrastructure in Qusong County has achieved remarkable results.

The improvement of Qusong County middle school infrastructure is only a microcosm. In recent years, the sixth batch of Tibetan aid teams in Huangshi City have also actively run the operation and connection, strived for the support of Shiyuan Share's Volvo Education, built four recording and broadcasting classrooms for four township primary schools in Qusong County, and donated more than 1 million yuan of equipment. In addition, it has gradually improved the construction of the digital campus of township primary schools, steadily promoted the synchronous classroom process of integrating the county and township, established the Huangshi Qusong distance interactive teaching platform, provided more diversified high-quality education courses for Qusong students, and effectively improved the relatively weak educational infrastructure of Qusong, which has laid a solid foundation for the development of Qusong education.

Strengthen the exchange of talent team, which is the foundation of Qusong's education, training and development

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The picture shows Zhao Yanzhong leading the education system staff of Qusong County to dock education and aid Tibet in Xisai Mountain Area of Huangshi City

The hardware facilities are up to date. How to effectively improve the comprehensive quality of the local teaching staff is a long-term consideration of the Tibet Assistance Team. Zhao Yanzhong, executive deputy secretary of Qusong County Party Committee, executive deputy county head of the government, and leader of the sixth group of Tibetan aid teams in Huangshi City, gave the answer.

Zhao Yanzhong said that the main purpose of aiding Tibet is to change "blood transfusion" into "hematopoiesis". In the work of education and aid to Tibet, the sixth batch of Tibetan aid teams in Huangshi City carried out their work in the way of "inviting in"+"going out". To be specific, it is to bring the advanced educational concepts, technologies and experiences outside Tibet to Tibet through the way of assisting Tibet in teaching, and at the same time send Qusong backbone teachers to Huangshi to study and train in the same class, so as to continuously improve the comprehensive quality of local teachers and staff, and realize the same direction of the Tibetan aid force and the local team.

Driven by this working idea, Zhao Yanzhong went to Hubei Normal University, Hubei Institute of Technology and other colleges and universities for docking and signing agreements for many times. The first volunteer service team in Huangshi City to assist Tibetan education arrived in Qusong on April 16 to carry out work. The Qusong County Party Committee and the county government also attach great importance to this Tibetan education assistance activity. Secretary Si Gang of the Qusong County Party Committee said at the education assistance forum held on April 17 that the implementation of this education assistance activity has created a new mode of education and Tibet assistance, and has brought a positive impact on the balanced development of education in both regions,

In 2023, the party and government delegation in Xisaishan District of Huangshi City, Kaitie District of Huangshi City, Hubei Vocational College of Engineering, etc. will also carry out counterpart exchanges in Qusong County and sign a strategic agreement on education and Tibet assistance with Qusong County. With gratitude to the people of Huangshi, Zhao Yanzhong led the head of Qusong County Education Bureau and key teachers of Qusong County to pay a return visit to Xisai Mountain Area in Huangshi City on April 10, to negotiate with Xisai Mountain Area on the specific ideas, plans, needs, etc. for the next step of educational assistance to Tibet. According to the docking content of both parties, in the future, Xisaishan District of Huangshi City will continue to do a good job in the selection of Tibetan aid teachers, Qusong teacher training, etc., to lay a more solid foundation for the continuous two-way exchange and communication of teachers.

Strengthen capital investment support to solve the development difficulties for Qusong education

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The picture shows Zhao Yanzhong talking with students in Qusong County Middle School

In addition to projects and talent teams, the sixth group of working teams in Huangshi City also strengthened financial support in the work of education assistance to Tibet, and took the practical measures of "real gold and silver" to solve the fund shortage problem in the development of education in Qusong County. According to statistics, since 2022, the sixth batch of Tibetan aid teams in Huangshi City have won more than 2 million yuan for Qusong's education funds, school supplies, etc.

In 2022, the Education Bureau of Qusong County formulated the Management Measures for Huangshi's "Strong Brand" Special Fund for Aid to Tibetan Qusong Students (Trial), which is used to encourage and encourage students to study hard and forge ahead, and promote all-round development of students in moral, intellectual, physical, and labor aspects.

The continuous investment of Tibet aid funds made the students in Qusong County full of happiness. On June 1, 2023, after receiving the special fund award for "Powerful Education", Dan Zengzhuoga, a student of Qusong County Middle School, said gratefully, "On behalf of Qusong students, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to the Hubei Huangshi Tibet Assistance Team for the warmth you sent. We will study hard, make progress actively, and repay you with outstanding achievements.".

In April 2024, Zhao Yanzhong also made a special trip to Beijing to donate 50000 yuan to Duoji Quzhen, the first outstanding student in Qusong County who was admitted to Peking University, and asked about his school life. Dorje Quzhen said that she would work hard to repay her hometown and motherland with practical actions.

Based on the long-term goal of work, contribute to the development of Qusong education

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The picture shows Zhao Yanzhong taking a group photo with the members of the "Tongcaohua" volunteer service team before the expedition

The achievements of the sixth batch of Tibetan aid teams in Huangshi City are directly reflected in the progress of Qusong's education. According to the person in charge of Qusong County Education Bureau, the total average score of students in Qusong County was 559.49 points in the 2023 school entrance exam, ranking third in the city, 30.47 points higher than that in 2022. For the first time in Qu Song's education history, one student's total score exceeded 800 points, and three students achieved full scores in a single subject.

The achievements are hard won, and the future education and aid to Tibet work needs to be carried out more carefully. In this regard, the sixth group of Tibetan aid teams in Huangshi City make long-term plans to leave behind the achievements of Qusong's aid to Tibet.

It is understood that this year, Qusong County also plans to implement the school digital campus construction project, with a total investment of about 12 million yuan, of which 5 million yuan is Tibet aid funds. After the project is completed, it will provide network sharing services of high-quality courses for four township primary schools by using high-quality video and broadcast classrooms, cloud classrooms, etc., and plans to connect with high-quality online teaching resources in Huangshi City to provide students with more abundant courseware content. In this regard, Zhao Yanzhong said that even if the Tibet aid team has left, the project, facilities and resources are still available, and we will maximize the results of Tibet aid for Qusong.

Zhao Yanzhong said, "In recent years, we have solidly carried out education and assistance to Tibet through project construction, talent training, financial assistance and other ways. At present, we have achieved some results. Next, the sixth batch of Tibetan aid teams in Huangshi City will also carry out the research activities of Huangqu winter summer camp, the three key tasks of the 'Tongcaohua' volunteer service team's Tibetan aid activities and the work of exchanging teachers between the two places, to constantly broaden the vision of students in both places, improve the comprehensive quality of teachers, and transmit advanced teaching concepts, so as to ensure that Qusong's education is stable and farsighted on the road of high-quality development, To make contributions to building a strong sense of the Chinese national community and promoting ethnic exchanges and exchanges.

Editor in charge: He Yongqing

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