Zhao Yanzhong went to Beijing to carry out investment promotion investigation activities
2024-04-16 11:08:55      Source: Qusong, Netcom

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Recently, Zhao Yanzhong, executive deputy secretary of Qusong County Party Committee, executive deputy county head of the government, and the leader of the sixth group of Huangshi Tibetan aid team, went to Beijing to carry out investment promotion investigation activities, and visited China Energy Engineering Corporation, Taichu (Wuxi) Electronic Technology Co., Ltd., Beijing Chaoyang District National Association of High tech Enterprises Baixin Information Technology Co., Ltd. and Beijing Shuyan Technology Co., Ltd.

At China Energy Engineering Corporation, Zhao Yanzhong held talks with Xia Yang, assistant general manager and director of the investment department of the company, and Wang Gang, general manager of the government affairs department of Shanghai Electric Corporation, and introduced the strategic advantages of Qusong County in developing clean energy in Tibet Autonomous Region and Shannan City, as well as the largest market-oriented photovoltaic power station currently under construction in Tibet Autonomous Region, It explains that Qusong County will continue to use its existing advantages to expand the scale of photovoltaic projects, wind solar complementary projects and energy storage projects, build Qusong County into the largest clean energy base in Shannan City, and send a sincere invitation to China Energy Group and Shanghai Electric Corporation, welcome them to visit Qusong County in due time, and make further communication and negotiation on project construction, Strive for breakthroughs in cooperation between the two sides.

Taichu (Wuxi) Electronic Technology Co., Ltd., Baixin Information Technology Co., Ltd., and Beijing Suyan Technology Co., Ltd. are all "small giants" and "specialized" new enterprises of domestic intelligent computing companies. During the enterprise inspection, Zhao Yanzhong deeply understood the hardware and software advantages of the three enterprises in terms of intelligent computing power and the current domestic success stories, especially the urgent needs of enterprises in terms of expanding investment, government enterprise cooperation and domestic layout, and accurately grasped the investment strategies and intentions of enterprises.

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At the symposium held by the National Association of High tech Enterprises in Chaoyang District, Beijing, Zhao Yanzhong had in-depth exchanges with Li Zhiyong, the president of the Association. At present, the Association has raised 5 billion yuan, and plans to build intelligent computing centers in four key provinces together with 12 in-depth cooperation companies. Zhao Yanzhong introduced the current advantages of Qusong County in terms of energy indicators, transportation location, college graduates and climate, temperature and humidity in Tibet. He actively sought the association to consider the distribution of intelligent computing centers in Qusong County, Tibet, and actively invited the association to organize relevant enterprises to visit Qusong County on the spot. He said, Qusong County Party Committee and Government and the sixth batch of Huangshi City Tibet Assistance Team will actively strive for the support of Shannan Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government, provide services for enterprises to invest in Shannan City and Qusong County, create a good business environment, and actively implement the relevant policies of investment promotion, truly become the "nanny" for enterprises to invest and develop in Qusong County, so as to achieve win-win cooperation, Continuously promote the high-quality economic and social development of Qusong County.

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During his stay in Beijing, Zhao Yanzhong also went to Peking University to visit Duoji Quzhen, the first student in Qusong County who was admitted to Peking University. He talked with her about her studies and growth, asked her about her daily school life, told her to contact her in time if she had difficulties, encouraged her to be ambitious and diligent, and repay her hometown and country on a broader life stage in the future, Strive to achieve greater value in life.

Editor in charge: He Yongqing

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