Qusong County Education Bureau carried out food safety training for cooks in the education system
2024-05-08 11:26:10      Source: Qusong, Netcom

On May 5, Qusong County Education Bureau, together with the County Market Supervision and Administration Bureau, held a food safety training meeting for education system cooks, which enabled participants to intuitively understand and master food safety knowledge and skills through theoretical explanation, case analysis, on-site demonstration and other ways.

At the training meeting, the relevant person in charge of Qusong County Education Bureau interpreted the food safety laws and regulations, explained the key points of food procurement and storage, the standardized process of processing, the strict standards of sanitation and disinfection, and the prevention and response measures for common food safety problems. The deputy director of Qusong County Market Supervision Administration analyzed the current food safety situation, It emphasized the importance of strictly abiding by food safety regulations, and further improved the food safety awareness and professional level of cooks in schools (parks) throughout the county.

Editor in charge: He Yongqing

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