Qu Song Chomei's "Art" Starts and Goes Forward "Talk about a New Chapter of Culture
2024-05-15 15:55:00      Source: Qusong, Netcom

Recently, Qusong County Cultural Bureau held the launching ceremony of Qusong County 2024 Cultural Center Service Publicity Week and Qusong Chomei Art Performance of "Building an Exchange Platform · Sharing an Art Feast". Zhao Yanzhong, Executive Deputy Secretary of Qusong County Party Committee and Executive Deputy County Chief, addressed the event.

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Zhao Yanzhong said that through the launch of the cultural center service publicity week, a number of popular service publicity activities were launched, such as art popularization, volunteer service, exhibition, cultural exchange, excellent traditional culture inheritance services, to attract more people into the cultural center, recognize the cultural center, love the cultural center, and let more people feel the charm of art popularization and traditional culture. The Qusong Cuomi Literature and Art Festival of "Building an Exchange Platform and Sharing an Artistic Feast" was held, so that cadres and masses could enjoy the wonderful "cultural feast" at their doorsteps, so that the policy of benefiting the people could really take root, and the service publicity could be made real, live and sink. We should give full play to the leading role of advanced culture, the encouragement of literary and artistic performances, and the publicity role of the "Cultural Center Service Publicity Week", spread advanced culture and display excellent literary and artistic works throughout the whole process of the activity, promote the publicity of literary and artistic activities into the organs, actively promote key performances, conscientiously summarize successful experiences, collect and analyze the response of the masses, and constantly expand the social influence of literary and artistic activities, Attract the masses to participate actively and lead the social fashion with advanced culture.

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The activity kicked off in the dance "Auspicious Choomei" brought by the Choomei County Art Troupe. Qu Song and the Choomei County Art Troupe carefully prepared the wonderful literary and artistic programs that eight audiences liked to see, including "Zaza Girl", "Feel the Party's Grace", "Princess Wencheng's Love for Zaza" and "Love in Reba".

At the event site, the atmosphere was warm, which made the audience feast their eyes. From time to time, the audience took out their mobile phones to record the wonderful moments. Applause and cheers came one after another. The singing of "Feeling Party Benevolence" eulogized the glorious history and great achievements of the Communist Party, heartily expressed the love for the motherland and the praise for a better life, and expressed the blessing to the party and the motherland. The dance "Zaza Girl" presented an audio-visual feast with national characteristics to the scene like a rainbow in the sky. The small song and dance drama Princess Wencheng Tiezha Affair revives the scene of Princess Wencheng's visit to the Zhazha Grassland, expresses the unlimited love and deep feelings of the local herdsmen for Princess Wencheng. Through the story of Princess Wencheng's marriage with Songtsen Ganbu, it encourages the cadres and the masses to go hand to hand, watch and help each other, and promote cultural exchanges among ethnic groups, It represents the past history and praises national unity in a beautiful artistic form.

The crowd Bai Ma Yuzhen said: "The performance tonight was very wonderful. I heard that there was a performance and I came out after dinner. I didn't expect to see the exchange performance at my home and feel the characteristic culture of different places. Such cultural exchange activities are very meaningful, and I hope to carry out more such activities in the future".

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It is reported that in May, a series of cultural brand activities will be carried out throughout the county, such as Qusong's cultural exchange performance of "Our Chinese Dream - Culture Enters Thousands of Families", "Building the Awareness of the Chinese National Community" and the "Land Singing Four Seasons Village Evening" village level art performance team art activities, to comprehensively enhance the awareness, participation and reputation of the whole society for public cultural services.

Editor in charge: He Yongqing

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