Qusong County: Show the new atmosphere of literature and art, cast new brilliance of culture
2024-05-07 10:30:18      Source: Qusong, Netcom

In 2024, Qusong County Cultural Bureau (County Art Troupe) will study and implement The spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress Adhere to the people centered development idea, constantly meet the growing needs of the people for a better life, vigorously promote the socialist core values, enhance cultural self-confidence, enrich the people's spiritual and cultural life, further improve the work style, enhance the ability to work and professional skills, and effectively implement various artistic performance tasks.

Compare learning and catch up, promote promotion, and make progress in pairs. Qusong County Cultural Bureau Organize the "1+3" hierarchical test of national common language learning. According to the evaluation results, 1 to 2 students Qusong County Cultural Bureau Party members and cadres form a pair of three cadres of the Art Troupe, and divide them into seven pairs of progress learning groups to learn and progress together. They have carried out purposeful and meaningful learning activities with the Party's theories, lines, guidelines and policies as the main content. Up to now, they have carried out seven studies. Qusong County Cultural Bureau Three performers were sent to the 2024 training class for key talents in quyi creation and performance in the city for 10 days, and two newly recruited performers in 2023 were sent to the city art troupe for half a month of intensive training, which further improved the ability and quality of key talents in quyi creation and performance, and laid a solid foundation for the creation of artistic boutiques and performances.

Literary and artistic performances are sent to the countryside, and culture benefits the people and promotes revitalization. During the preparation of the third "Our Village Evening" village level art contest, Qusong County Cultural Bureau Select 2-3 performers from the county art troupe to go to some administrative villages for guidance in groups, carefully polish the details of the performance, and lay a good foundation for the quality and effect of the "village evening" program. During the Spring Festival and Tibetan New Year, we organized the performers of the county art troupe to go to some administrative villages (communities) and some brother counties (districts) in Qusong County to perform our Chinese Dream - Culture into Ten Thousand Families, Culture and Benefit the People. The performance lasted nearly 10 days and 20 times, benefiting more than 5700 people. In Longcun Village, Duisan Township, a demonstration activity was held to commemorate the 65th anniversary of the liberation of millions of Tibetan serfs and the 2024 "Three Visits to the Countryside" of culture, science, technology and health, and 800 people watched it.

Literary and artistic creation shines brightly and makes concerted efforts to create brilliance. Qusong County Cultural Bureau Organize the county art troupe's creators to sink into the grassroots, carry out the art creation and style gathering activity of "going deep into the grassroots and taking root in the people", create the large-scale original ecological dance "Yanggu Baibei", and successfully mount the stage of the "Shannan Spring Festival · Tibetan New Year" TV gala. Focusing on celebrating the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China and the 70th anniversary of the completion and opening of the Sichuan Tibet Railway and the Qinghai Tibet Railway, we are actively preparing to create five literary and artistic works, including "Entrustment", "Eternal Monument", and "Tibetan Source · Tibet Aid", to show the new achievements and responsibilities of literary and artistic cadres in the new era.

Editor in charge: He Yongqing

Sponsor: Publicity Department of Tibetan Qusong County Committee of the Communist Party of China Address: No.1 Zhuokang Road, Qusong County, Shannan, Tibet Tel: 0893-7332130
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