The seventh batch of CNOOC Tibet Assistance Team invested 120 million yuan to promote the construction of Nima County project
2023-06-08 17:51:08      Source: Naqu Rongmei


In August 2019, the seventh batch of CNOOC's Tibet Assistance Team entered Nima County, Naqu City, Tibet, and began the three-year Tibet assistance work. Over the past three years, a total of 120 million yuan has been invested in Tibet aid. The members of the Tibet Assistance Team overcame altitude reaction, actively integrated into local work, accelerated the construction of Tibet assistance projects, and successfully completed the assistance task.

Editor in charge: Jiang Xinwen

Sponsor: Nima County People's Government Address: Jianshe West Road, Nima County, Naqu City, Tibet Tel: 0896-3712830
Website ID: 542430001 Public security record No.: Tibetan public network security 54243002000002 Record No.: Zang ICP Bei No. 2021000016-1
Technical support: Tibet Media Group