The delegation of Zhejiang Xinneng Qingneng Development Company visited Naqu
2023-06-02 17:07:28      Source: Zhejiang Aid to Tibet

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From May 16 to 17, an investment and scientific service technical expert group consisting of seven people, including Ye Bin, general manager of New Energy Energy Clearing Development Co., Ltd. under Zhejiang Energy Group, visited Naqu City to investigate the construction of the channel and consumption integration project. The delegation visited the sites of Huadian PV project, Guoneng wind power project and Naqu municipal waste disposal project. Zhuang Jinsong, secretary of the Naqu Municipal Party Committee, met with the delegation and held a forum. Dong Xubin, Zhao Kun, Gong Yifeng, Sorangciren, Li Dong and other leaders of Naqu accompanied the investigation and discussion.

Zhuang Jinsong, on behalf of the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government, extended a warm welcome to Ye Bin and his delegation for their investigation in Naqu, and expressed heartfelt thanks to Zhejiang Energy Group for its long-term concern and support for the economic and social development of Naqu. He said that at present, it is a critical period for Naqu to thoroughly implement the spirit of the Twentieth National Congress of the Communist Party of China and orderly promote the study and implementation of the theme education of Xi Jinping's socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era. Zheneng Group conscientiously implemented the decisions and arrangements of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee and the provincial government, actively fulfilled the main responsibilities of enterprises, went deep into the snow covered plateau to negotiate and cooperate, and served the economic and social development of Naqu, which demonstrated the family and national feelings and responsibility of Zheneng Group as a counterpart enterprise in Tibet. It is hoped that based on the advantages of new energy resources in Naqu, Zhejiang Energy Group will continue to promote the construction of clean energy bases and ecological smart boutique cities with the development and utilization of clean energy, and make continuous efforts for a long time, so as to truly realize the complementary advantages of enterprises and land, sincere cooperation, and win-win cooperation. We should give full play to the advantages of technology, capital, talents, information and ideas, and constantly increase cooperation in scientific research projects, distributed power generation, garbage power generation, sewage treatment, hydrogen energy development and other fields, so as to jointly make positive contributions to the construction of a long-term stability and high-quality development demonstration city at the highest altitude in Tibet.

Dong Xubin stressed that the provincial headquarters for Tibet assistance will play a role of matchmaking, bring in high-quality enterprises such as Zhejiang Energy Group, and bring in Zhejiang's advanced experience, help Naqu better practice the new development concept, focus on the "3060" carbon peak and carbon neutrality goal, sing the "quartet", and continue to promote the quality, efficiency and power reform of key projects in the clean energy industry. Focus on four aspects to better play a supporting role, and make full use of the special national policies for the development of new energy in the Tibet Autonomous Region on the bottom line of legal compliance. On the basis of win-win cooperation, it will provide standard project support for the future investment promotion and development of Naqu City. In terms of the promotion steps of the special class, the two sides set up a powerful special class to discuss and study the feasibility scheme suitable for the development of Naqu. On the basis of scientific decision-making, based on the advantages of Naqu's clean energy economic policy, we will attract investment, large and strong enterprises.

Ye Bin expressed warm congratulations on the achievements of Naqu's economic and social development, and heartfelt thanks to the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government for their concern and support for enterprise development. He said that after returning to Zhejiang, he would report in detail to the leaders of Zheneng Group about the investigation and research, actively promote the cooperation between Zheneng Group and Naqu City, so as to better implement the decisions and arrangements of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee, the provincial government and the Party committee and the government of the autonomous region, better fulfill the responsibility of assisting enterprises in Tibet, and make good use of the development advantages of Zheneng Group and the unique resource advantages of Naqu, Serve the economic development of Naqu, and promote the cooperation between enterprises and land to achieve win-win results with the greatest sincerity.

Editor in charge: Jiang Xinwen

Sponsor: Nima County People's Government Address: Jianshe West Road, Nima County, Naqu City, Tibet Tel: 0896-3712830
Website ID: 542430001 Public security record No.: Tibetan public network security 54243002000002 Record No.: Zang ICP Bei No. 2021000016-1
Technical support: Tibet Media Group