Zhejiang Provincial Party and Government Delegation Investigates Counterpart Support Work in Naqu
2022-04-01 10:13:08      Source: Naqu News Network

On March 30, Zhu Congjiu, Vice Governor of Zhejiang Province, led a party and government delegation to investigate counterpart support work in Naqu City, Tibet, held a symposium on Zhejiang Naqu counterpart support work, held a fund donation ceremony to help Naqu City improve its ability to achieve common prosperity, and negotiated and docked on deepening exchanges and cooperation between the two regions and further doing counterpart support work. Jiang Bai, Vice President of the Autonomous Region, attended the symposium, Zhuang Jinsong, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, introduced the development of the assistance work in Naqu City.

Cai Renlang, Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and Mayor, Miao Weilun, Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and Executive Vice Mayor of the Government, and Lin Yong, Li Meng and Li Dong, municipal leaders, participated in relevant activities.


Zhu Congjiu, on behalf of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee and the provincial government, expressed heartfelt thanks to the Party Committee and the government of the Tibet Autonomous Region and the Naqu Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government for their concern and support for the Zhejiang Tibet Assistance Team. He pointed out that since the launch of the counterpart support work, Zhejiang Province has forged a deep friendship with Naqu City, and the two cities have kept watch and helped each other and moved forward hand in hand. Naqu has made remarkable achievements in various undertakings, which fully reflects the wisdom and correctness of the important strategic thought of the central government to govern the border and stabilize Tibet. He said that Zhejiang Province will resolutely implement the spirit of the Seventh Tibet Work Forum of the Central Committee, implement the Party's strategy for governing Tibet in the new era, consciously shoulder the major political responsibility of counterpart assistance to Tibet, combine the reality of the two places, base on the new development stage, implement the new development concept, build a new development pattern, and firmly grasp the four major issues of stability, development, ecology, and border strengthening, Taking the opportunity of deepening counterpart support, we will further strengthen exchanges and cooperation, innovate ideas for Tibet assistance, focus on key areas such as finance, state-owned enterprises, dual carbon and common prosperity demonstration zone construction, and create a new situation of counterpart assistance to Tibet at a high starting point. He asked that the ninth batch of Tibetan aid teams should strictly implement the overall deployment of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee and the provincial government on Tibetan aid work, do a good job of counterpart support work in a down-to-earth manner, and stand on the last shift, marking a successful end to the ninth batch of Tibetan aid work.


Jiang Bai spoke highly of the remarkable achievements made by Zhejiang Province in assisting Tibet and expressed his gratitude. He pointed out that the delegation led by Vice Governor Zhu Congjiu came to Naqu, Tibet, regardless of the cold and hypoxia, to investigate the counterpart support work, which fully reflected the great importance attached by the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee and the provincial government to the Tibet aid work. For a long time, under the strong leadership and care of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core, with the selfless help of counterpart provinces and cities, and with the strong support of the whole nation, Naqu has made all-round progress and historic achievements in various undertakings, and the living standards of the people have been significantly improved. It is sincerely hoped that Zhejiang Province will continue to care about and support the work in Tibet and Naqu, combine the needs of Tibet with the needs of Zhejiang, further increase the counterpart support in talent, scientific research, innovation, etc., increase the support and explore more cooperation methods in clean energy transmission, carbon sink trading, government enterprise cooperation, characteristic product development, cultural tourism industry development, etc, Promote Zhejiang Tibet exchanges and cooperation to a higher level.


Zhuang Jinsong, on behalf of the Naqu Municipal Party Committee, the National People's Congress, the government, the CPPCC and more than 500000 cadres and people of all ethnic groups in Naqu, expressed heartfelt thanks to Zhejiang Province for its long-term strong support and selfless support for Naqu. He pointed out that for a long time, the Zhejiang Tibet Assistance Task Force has innovated its working methods around the decision-making and deployment of the CPC Central Committee and the Zhejiang Tibet Party committees and governments, solidly promoted the Tibet assistance work, and made plans based on the actual situation in Naqu. All work has been vigorously promoted, orderly and effectively carried out. It is sincerely hoped that the two places will deepen the Tibet aid work from the perspective of cooperation and give more help to Naqu to achieve high-quality development in terms of "hematopoietic" function. He said that the Naqu Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government will continue to care about Tibetan cadres and talents, help them solve practical difficulties in work and life, focus on "four major issues", "four guarantees", and focus on "four creation" and "four leading" to repay the care and concern of the General Secretary and the CPC Central Committee with the effectiveness of long-term stability and high-quality development of Naqu, Return the selfless assistance of Zhejiang people.


During the investigation, Zhu Congjiu and his delegation visited cadres and talents who helped Tibet, visited veteran Party members at home, and investigated the operation of Zhejiang Tibet aid smart greenhouse project. (Reporter Hong Zhijun Dezhu)

Editor in charge: Sonantsom

Sponsor: Nima County People's Government Address: Jianshe West Road, Nima County, Naqu City, Tibet Tel: 0896-3712830
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