Zhejiang's assistance to Tibet continues to deepen the implementation of exchanges and exchanges and enhance the action of integration
2022-03-27 12:21:14      Source: Zhejiang Online

In order to give full play to the role of exchanges, exchanges and integration activities (hereinafter referred to as "three exchanges") in promoting the economic and social development of Naqu, in accordance with the overall arrangement of the 14th Five Year Plan for Zhejiang's aid to Tibet, and in accordance with the specific requirements of the annual mobilization deployment meeting for "melting ice and melting snow" promotion of the provincial headquarters for Tibet assistance, recently, Zhejiang's aid to Tibet was based on sufficient research and advice in the early stage, The Plan for "Three Communications" of the Headquarters in 2022 was issued to further deepen the implementation of the action of promoting exchanges and exchanges between Zhejiang and Nairobi.

In 2022, it is planned to arrange 27 "three handover" projects in four categories, with a total investment of 8.8852 million yuan. Among them, there are 6 projects to cultivate the awareness of the Chinese national community, with 2.443 million yuan allocated; There are five Zhena Cultural Infiltration Projects, with a planned capital of 3.0035 million yuan; There are 11 intelligence assistance and upgrading projects, with a fund of 1.8054 million yuan; There are 5 efficiency improvement projects of the "Three Handover" project, with an arranged fund of 1.6333 million yuan.

It is reported that compared with the "three handover" plan in previous years, this year's plan mainly has the following characteristics:

Adhere to local orientation and expand coverage. It is planned to fully consider the local needs of Naqu, and basically incorporate the projects that meet the "three handover" standard into the annual plan according to the principle of "pay as much as you can". At the same time, priority is given to grassroots people, youth and professional technology learning in project screening, and support is maintained for traditional "three handover" projects such as party and government exchanges and cultural integration.

Adhere to scientific compilation and promote orderly classification. It is planned to fully summarize the implementation and actual effects of the previous "three handover" projects, and carry out precise docking according to the characteristics of Zhejiang resources. In addition, the project is further subdivided according to four major categories, namely, the awareness cultivation project of the Chinese national community, the Zhena culture infiltration project, the intelligence assistance and enhancement project, and the "three handover" project efficiency improvement project, to ensure the orderly progress of different projects.

Insist on reserving surplus and properly reserve sufficient funds. The plan fully considers that 2022, the ninth and tenth batch of Tibet aid handover year in Zhejiang Province, and the current epidemic situation, has not fully used the planned "three handover" funds to reserve space for project adjustment in the second half of the year.

Editor in charge: Sonantsom

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