Hangzhou Tibet Assistance Working Group Study and Implement the Spirit of Hangzhou Leaders' Instructions
2022-03-15 10:09:55      Source: Zhejiang Online

Recently, Liu Jie, member of the Standing Committee of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee and secretary of the Hangzhou Municipal Party Committee, Liu Xin, deputy secretary of the Hangzhou Municipal Party Committee and mayor, Ma Xiaoqiu, member of the Standing Committee of the Hangzhou Municipal Party Committee and head of the Organization Department, and other municipal leaders made important instructions on "Building Common Prosperity and Striving to Write a Chapter of High quality Development and Tibet Assistance on the Snow covered Plateau - the Work Report of the Ninth Hangzhou Tibet Assistance Working Group in 2021", Fully affirmed the work of the ninth batch of Hangzhou Tibet Assistance Working Group. On March 14, the Hangzhou Aid to Tibet Working Group held a learning and implementation meeting to convey the spirit of learning from the instructions of Hangzhou municipal leaders and deploy the aid to Tibet in 2022.

Liu Jie, member of the Standing Committee of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee and secretary of the Hangzhou Municipal Party Committee, pointed out that in the past year, the comrades of the Hangzhou Tibet Assistance Working Group overcame the harsh environment of the snow covered plateau, actively engaged in border construction, and solidly carried out the six key actions of "carving ice and carving snow", which helped to achieve long-term stability and accelerated development in the economy and society of Zeni, and fully demonstrated the good image of Hangzhou Tibet assistance cadres and talents, I would like to pay tribute and thank you for your hard work and selfless dedication! In the new year, it is hoped that the Hangzhou Tibet Assistance Working Group will thoroughly study and implement the spirit of the important speech made by General Secretary Xi Jinping during his visit to Tibet and the spirit of the seventh Tibet Work Forum of the Central Committee, carry forward the Tibet assistance spirit of "no lack of oxygen, no fear of hardship, and higher altitude", make persistent and solid work, and comprehensively implement the "melting ice and snow" of Zhejiang Tibet assistance Improve the tasks of the year, and contribute Hangzhou's due strength to consolidate the achievements of poverty alleviation, promote rural revitalization and move towards common prosperity. At the same time, please take care of your body and pay attention to safety.

Liu Xin, Deputy Secretary of the CPC Hangzhou Municipal Committee and Mayor of Hangzhou, pointed out that the ninth batch of working groups in Hangzhou had become more promising because of the great efforts of Tibetan cadres! We hope to make greater achievements in the new year.

Pan Wei, the leader of the Hangzhou Tibet Aid Working Group and the executive deputy secretary of the Seni District Party Committee of Naqu City, said that 2022 is the year of the promotion of the ninth batch of Tibet aid "melting ice and melting snow", and also the year of the end of three years of Tibet aid. The Hangzhou Municipal Party Committee and the Hangzhou Municipal Government have always attached great importance to counterpart support. The instructions of the main leaders of the Hangzhou Municipal Party Committee and the Hangzhou Municipal Government fully affirmed Hangzhou's Tibet aid work in 2021, and put forward requirements and pointed out the direction for the work in 2022. All Hangzhou Tibetan aid cadres and talents should earnestly study and implement the spirit of instructions from Hangzhou leaders, follow the deployment requirements of the Party committees and governments in Zhejiang and Tibet, focus on the long-term stability and high-quality development of Naqu, and achieve common prosperity. Based on the "needs of Zeni and the capabilities of Hangzhou", they should take a decisive attitude, be cautious and forge ahead with gratitude, Highlighting the three themes of "welcoming the Asian Games, helping common prosperity, and ensuring security", taking the "five competitions" competition for excellence in the snow covered Qiangtang area as a starting point, we will thoroughly implement the eight "ice melting and snow melting" improvement actions, such as the joint prosperity promotion action, promote breakthrough progress and landmark achievements in key work, continue to build an upgraded version of Tibet aid work, and continue to polish the golden card of Tibet aid work, Take the high score report of Hangzhou's aid to Tibet as the faithful implementation of the "August 8 Strategy", strive to create an "important window", strive to create a leading province in socialist modernization, contribute to the aid to Tibet in high-quality development and construction of a demonstration area of common prosperity, and greet the victory of the 20th CPC National Congress with outstanding achievements.

Editor in charge: Sonantsom

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