Hangzhou's Assistance to Tibet Helps Seni District to Cultivate Talents
2021-11-23 11:17:34      Source: Zhejiang Online

On November 19, the rural revitalization talent training and demand research team of Tibet Institute of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry went to Zeni District of Naqu City to carry out a special talent research and held a symposium to jointly discuss talents to promote the high-quality development of Zeni District. Pan Wei, Deputy Commander, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Executive Deputy Secretary of the Zeni District Party Committee of Zhejiang Province, Xiang Li, Member of the Standing Committee of the Zeni District Party Committee and Head of the Organization Department, Chen Kaixuan, the ninth batch of Tibetan aid cadres of the central unit, Deputy Director of the Graduate Department of Tibet Agriculture and Animal Husbandry College, Cheng Jieliang, member of the 21st batch of doctoral service group, Deputy Dean of the Plant Science College of Tibet Agriculture and Animal Husbandry College, Hangzhou Tibetan aid cadres Hu Zhongjun, Deputy Director of the Health Commission of Zeni District and President of the People's Hospital of Zeni District, attended the meeting. Leaders of the Human Resources and Social Security Bureau and the Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of Zeni District, as well as representatives of graduates of Tibet Institute of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry, attended the meeting.

Focusing on "the demand for high-level talents in the context of rural revitalization" and "the influencing factors of Tibetan local students' willingness to further study", the research team visited three families of undergraduate (graduate) students and entrepreneurial sites for outstanding graduates to deeply understand the development potential and talent demand of Zeni District, explore new talent training models, and promote high-quality development of Zeni District.

At the symposium, the research team said that in recent years, with the improvement of the overall level of economic and social development in Tibet, the school running level of Tibet Agriculture and Animal Husbandry College has developed rapidly. However, due to factors such as the lack of close integration of talent training methods and local needs, the ability to serve the local economic and social development has not been fully exerted. The survey in Seni District found that the development potential of Seni District is full, the demand for talents is strong, and the two sides have a strong foundation for cooperation. It is hoped that both sides will strengthen cooperation, explore a new model of talent training and integration of production and learning that meets the needs of Tibet's development, and jointly write a new chapter of long-term stability and high-quality development on the snow covered plateau.

The two sides agreed that the Hangzhou Tibet Assistance Working Group will promote the establishment of a cooperation mechanism between the two sides based on the "needs of Zeni and the ability of the Institute", and designate special personnel to take charge of it, so as to promote the Tibet Institute of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry to favor the policy of Zeni District in terms of talent training and technical support. The Seni District will also actively support and cooperate with the Tibet Institute of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry in terms of talent practice and project research, help the Seni District implement the strategy of "three animal husbandry linkage", promote the high-quality development of the national modern agricultural demonstration park in the Seni District, and welcome the convening of the 20th CPC National Congress with outstanding achievements.

Editor in charge: Sonantsom

Sponsor: Nima County People's Government Address: Jianshe West Road, Nima County, Naqu City, Tibet Tel: 0896-3712830
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