Zhejiang Changshan Tibetan Aid Doctor Helps Naqu Tibetan Hospital Enter the Era of Micro innovation
2021-11-12 10:25:26      Source: Zhejiang Aid to Tibet


In the afternoon of November 8, under the careful guidance of Tang Yunning, a Tibetan aid doctor of Changshan County People's Hospital, and Wang Rongjun, a Tibetan aid doctor of Changshan County Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Nagqu Tibetan Hospital carried out the first laparoscopic appendectomy since its establishment, which marks that Nagqu Tibetan Hospital has entered a new era of minimally invasive laparoscopy, and also marks that the hospital's surgery has reached a new level, It opened a new chapter in minimally invasive surgery technology.

At the end of September 2021, doctors Tang Yunning and Wang Rongjun, as the third batch of Tibetan aid doctors selected by Changshan County, went to the Tibetan Hospital of Naqu City to carry out medical work in Tibet. They overcame the discomfort of low pressure and hypoxia, and soon began to work with full enthusiasm. Doctor Wang Rongjun is responsible for the diagnosis and treatment of the internal disease department and the outpatient department, and is responsible for the establishment of the emergency department. At the same time, he has also carried out many painless gastrointestinal endoscopy examinations. Dr. Tang Yunning is responsible for the surgical teaching rounds and demonstration operations in the Tibetan Medical Hospital, and takes the responsibility of the "gatekeeper" for the diagnosis and treatment of surgical related diseases in the Tibetan Medical Hospital. At the same time, he also takes the laparoscopic minimally invasive technology as his own skilled technology, and improves the surgical treatment level of common diseases in general surgery in the assisted departments in the form of "transmission, help and guidance".

With the rapid development of laparoscopic technology and the increasing demand of patients for minimally invasive surgery, coupled with the characteristics of less trauma and less side effects, laparoscopic surgery has changed the concept of large surgery and large incision in the past. Through very small surgical wounds, very complex large surgery can also be completed. This not only fills the gap of minimally invasive surgery in the Tibetan Hospital, but also highlights that after the strategic cooperation with Changshan County People's Hospital, the technical strength and diagnosis and treatment environment of the Tibetan Hospital in Naqu City have been greatly improved, and the medical conditions of Tibetan compatriots have been fully guaranteed. Since the beginning of 2020, Changshan County's health system has sent three batches of 6 person times of professional and technical personnel to Naqu Tibetan Hospital to carry out medical technology assistance activities, and carried out more than 150 operations, providing a strong support for Naqu Tibetan Hospital in providing diagnosis and treatment of critical diseases and difficult and complex diseases. In the next step, Changshan County will continue to provide support from medical and technical personnel, technical equipment, capital projects and other aspects, and effectively strengthen the cooperation, training and exchange of personnel between the two sides.

Editor in charge: Sonantsom

Sponsor: Nima County People's Government Address: Jianshe West Road, Nima County, Naqu City, Tibet Tel: 0896-3712830
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