Zheng Weimin, the Third Group of Hangzhou Cadres Assisting Tibet, Reembarks on the Road of Assisting Tibet
2021-10-28 10:10:10      Source: Zhejiang Online

On October 25, the third batch of Hangzhou Tibetan aid cadres, Zheng Weimin, the former member of the Standing Committee of Naqu County Committee, the Executive Deputy County Chief, and the current vice chairman of the Tonglu County CPPCC in Hangzhou, followed the Tonglu County party and government delegation to visit Zeni, and came to the government compound of Zeni District during the lunch break to resume the road of Tibet aid. Pan Wei, the leader of the Hangzhou Tibet Assistance Working Group and the executive deputy secretary of the Seni District Party Committee, Wang Baolong, the deputy secretary of the District Party Committee, Zhao Guolu, the deputy director of the District People's Congress, and Hangzhou Tibetan aid cadres and talents attended.


Zheng Weimin said that time has passed quickly. It has been 17 years since he returned to Hangzhou after helping Tibet in 2004. Today, taking the opportunity of visiting Zeni with the delegation, he is very excited to go back to the "hometown" to visit Zeni's comrades in arms. Seeing the great changes in Seni District, I felt very happy. During the Tibet aid period, the frequent snowfall in Seni made me feel homesick when I was used to "snow is the Spring Festival"; The mutual care and care between the Tibetan aid cadres made me feel the nostalgia; The meticulous organization made me feel warm; I was deeply touched by the enterprising efforts of cadres and the masses of all ethnic groups. It can be said that "feeling and thinking on the snow covered plateau" is the deepest harvest in my heart during the period of helping Tibet. After returning to Hangzhou, I often remember the days and nights I worked and lived in Naqu, miss the vast grasslands in Naqu, miss the friends who fought side by side in Naqu, and miss the rapid development of Naqu. As a Tibetan aid cadre, he will continue to pay attention to the development of the Seni District and wish the Seni District to write a new chapter of long-term stability and high-quality development. Wang Baolong welcomed President Zheng Weimin's return to Seni District. He said that this year marks the 26th anniversary of Hangzhou's assistance to Tibet. During the 26 years of assistance to Tibet, a number of Tibetan aid cadres have made great contributions to the development of Seni District. Under the leadership of Secretary Liang Qun, the third group of Hangzhou Tibetan aid cadres did a lot of practical good things for Seni, put forward that "the root of 'blood making' is to improve the quality of Tibetan compatriots", built Xiangmao Township Health Center and a primary school, and did a lot of work to improve the local health situation and education. After so many years, we are all worried about it. We hope the old leaders can often come to Seni District to have a look. Seni will always be the "second hometown" of Tibetan aid cadres.


When Zheng Weimin came to Hangjia Apartment, he saw the present conditions of the apartment and recalled the memory of helping Tibet three years ago 20 years ago. "Among the same group of Tibetan aid cadres, not a few suffered from altitude sickness, and one comrade suffered from anoxic stomach bleeding..." "In October, Tibet began to enter the winter, the oxygen content was getting lower and lower, and it began to suffer from anoxia..." Zheng Weimin affectionately recalled.

During the 26 years of trials and hardships, groups of Hangzhou's aid workers to Tibet, centering on the strategic decision and deployment of the central government's counterpart support, carried forward the "old Tibet spirit". They were not lack of spirit, and were not afraid of hardship. The altitude was higher. They worked hard to overcome the adverse factors such as the harsh natural environment and working conditions, and connected with the local cadres and the masses, so as to win the battle against poverty in the Seni District and the whole country The building of a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way has injected Hangzhou's strength into achieving common prosperity, and continues to contribute Hangzhou's wisdom to the beautiful blueprint of "building a beautiful and happy Tibet and realizing the great rejuvenation dream".

Editor in charge: Sonantsom

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