Naqu Fire Rescue Detachment went to Zhejiang waters for rescue training
2021-10-12 17:17:36      Source: Tibet Naqu Fire Fighting

In order to effectively improve the comprehensive ability and theoretical knowledge reserve of the water rescue team, efforts should be made to build a professional water rescue team with rich professional knowledge and excellent professional quality. In the early stage of the training, the Naqu Fire Rescue Detachment coordinated with the Naqu Zhejiang Tibet Assistance Headquarters and Taizhou Detachment of Zhejiang Fire Rescue Corps. The 2021 Zhejiang training of the Detachment was officially started in Taizhou Detachment of Zhejiang Fire Rescue Corps on October 10. On the first day of the training, the participants of the Detachment focused on learning the theory and basic actions.


In the theoretical study, the participants of the detachment focused on the basic topics such as the technical definition of water area rescue, the introduction of special rescue technology, hazard identification and risk assessment in different water areas and different environments, the elements of the command system, and the control safety requirements. During this period, the participants of the detachment, while carefully studying the established teaching content, studied the oxygen scarcity Inquiry and discussion on water rescue in low pressure and freezing cold weather. In the teaching of basic movements and equipment elements, the participants of the detachment learned the water regime analysis, such as water posture, movement requirements, etc. in the calm water and torrent environment in detail in the actual combat environment, and also learned the swimming posture, floating essentials, on-site self-help and other topics in different environments. During this period, the on-site instructors also explained in detail the requirements for the allocation of water rescue equipment, their respective functions and precautions.


During the evening teaching, the training team organized the review of domestic and foreign water rescue cases in recent years, and the participants of the detachment also integrated the first day learning knowledge and practical cases in accordance with the principle of "integrating theory with practice", ensuring the sustainability and effectiveness of the training work.


Editor in charge: Sonantsom

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