Junmei Lausanne presided over the special learning meeting of the theoretical learning center group of the county party committee
2024-05-13 16:47:42      Source: Nettrust Nima

On May 9, Lausanne Junmei, Deputy Secretary of Nima County Party Committee and Director of the National Security Office, hosted a special learning meeting of the theoretical learning center group of the County Party Committee, and organized participants to watch the warning educational film "Lost Borders". More than 80 people attended the meeting, including leaders at home and at the county level and cadres and workers at or above the level of deputy section in all units directly under the county (middle) level.

The meeting stressed that we should correct our thoughts and actions with Party rules and disciplines, so that the process of learning Party discipline becomes a process of strengthening discipline awareness and improving Party spirit cultivation. We should pay attention to warning education, make warning education normalized, draw lessons from typical cases, draw inferences from one instance, take warning notes, and keep the alarm bells ringing, so that party members and cadres can be alerted, know the bottom line, and be in awe. We should follow good example education, guide Party members and cadres to learn from others, carry forward integrity, promote new trends, and build a strong ideological defense against corruption. We should strengthen the implementation of responsibilities, pay attention to the actual results of work, make learning and education and the central work two pronged, two promotion, rectify the unhealthy tendencies and corruption around the masses, and reflect the learning results in solving outstanding problems and responding to the concerns of the masses. We should strengthen the problem orientation, follow the mass line, focus on promoting the overall revitalization of the countryside, focus on the pain points and difficulties of people's livelihood, focus on the formalism and bureaucracy problems strongly reflected by the masses, and continue to make efforts to correct and tackle the key problems. The core goal of Party discipline learning and education is to guide and educate Party members and cadres to learn, know, understand and abide by discipline, find out what the Party's discipline and rules are, what they can do and can't do, and be honest, clean and responsible all the time.

The meeting required that all party members and cadres in the county should take the opportunity of learning and educating party discipline, take the learning of party discipline as a lifelong task for party members and cadres, further strengthen the construction of a clean and honest government and the fight against corruption, guide them to establish a correct view of power, position and interests, and form a good habit of working and living under strict discipline. Leading cadres of Party members should earnestly shoulder the responsibility and obligation of setting an example, leading the lower class and taking the lead in demonstration, driving the "overwhelming majority" with the "key minority", promoting the in-depth and practical study and education of Party discipline in Nima County, and effectively transforming the effectiveness of the study and education of Party discipline into a strong guarantee for promoting long-term stability and high-quality development in Nima.

Editor in charge: Xiang Ba Cizhen

Sponsor: Nima County People's Government Address: Jianshe West Road, Nima County, Naqu City, Tibet Tel: 0896-3712830
Website ID: 542430001 Public security record No.: Tibetan public network security 54243002000002 Record No.: Zang ICP Bei No. 2021000016-1
Technical support: Tibet Media Group