Shenya Township Joint Venture Farmer and Herdsman Professional Economic Cooperation Organization Held a Dividend Sharing Ceremony
2024-01-03 17:30:05      Source: Nettrust Nima

Recently, the seventh dividend sharing ceremony of the farmers and herdsmen professional economic cooperation organization affiliated with Shenya Township, Shenza County was held in the village committee of Shikang Village. Lun Zhuquda, the chairman of One Township One Community, presided over the dividend sharing ceremony, and Ou Zhuqunpei, the vice chairman, and members of the council and cooperatives attended the dividend sharing ceremony.

At the meeting, Lun Zhuquda summarized the income, expenditure and dividend of various industrial projects of the cooperative organization in 2023, awarded certificates to the members of the cooperative council and the "two committees" of the village who had outstanding performance in the work of the cooperative organization, and pointed out that the members of the cooperative organization should not forget their original intention, forge ahead, and strive for the future development of the cooperative organization. The dividend cash (including grassland rent and livestock care fee) is 375386 yuan in total, including 195800 yuan for livestock care fee and grassland rent, and 179586 yuan for one township and one community project. This dividend involves 561 people from 139 households, with an average dividend of more than 2700 yuan per household.

Through this dividend sharing ceremony, Shenya Township further stimulated the enthusiasm of the herdsmen, laid a solid foundation for the majority of herdsmen to "increase income", and thus boosted rural revitalization.

Editor in charge: Xiang Ba Cizhen

Sponsor: Nima County People's Government Address: Jianshe West Road, Nima County, Naqu City, Tibet Tel: 0896-3712830
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