[Video] [Learn from thought, strengthen party spirit, emphasize practice and build new achievements] Learn from thought and practice, write a chapter of Chinese style modernization in Tibet
2023-06-20 17:19:01      Source: CCTV

CCTV news (news broadcast): Tibet has carried out in-depth education on the theme of learning and implementing Xi Jinping's socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, adhered to the unity of learning, thinking and application, knowledge, trust and practice, actively practiced the concept of "green water and green mountains are golden mountains and silver mountains", and worked hard to write the chapter of Chinese modernization of Tibet.

Since the launching of thematic education, Tibet has closely combined learning and research, found directions, answers and methods from the Party's innovative theory, adhered to the problem orientation, and identified more than 690 special research topics.

The Qinghai Tibet Plateau is an important ecological security barrier in China. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Tibet has made great efforts to create a national highland of ecological civilization, and more than 50% of the region's land area has been included in the ecological protection red line. Under the new situation, how to do a better job in the big article "Green water and green mountains are golden mountains and silver mountains"? Many departments in Tibet have sent research teams to visit agricultural and pastoral areas on the spot. The survey found that although some regions have good ecological endowments, they lack effective ways to transform natural advantages into development advantages. In response to such problems, Tibet has launched a survey of the ecological environment background situation throughout the region to explore the path of ecological and industrial integration and development by accurately understanding the resource carrying capacity, optimizing spatial layout and other measures. During the 14th Five Year Plan period, it is planned to build 5 to 7 unique practice and innovation bases of "green water and green mountains are golden mountains and silver mountains".

Following the general requirements of ecological priority and green development, Tibet is vigorously developing green industries such as featured and advantageous agriculture and animal husbandry, clean energy, and ecological cultural tourism. In the thematic education, many departments in Tibet also went deep into the production line of enterprises, and carried out research around the problems of short industrial chain and insufficient factor guarantee in industrial development.

Since the launching of theme education, the research groups in the Tibet Autonomous Region have accumulated 180 research reports, 76 issues on the establishment and reform of Tibet Autonomous Region, adhered to the high starting point planning, high standard promotion, and high-quality implementation, and transformed the learning achievements of theme education into the practical strength of high-quality development in Tibet.

Editor in charge: Pu Qiong

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