Juncang Township launched an art tour of opera to benefit the people in the countryside
2023-12-15 17:51:54      Source: Nettrust Nima

Recently, the cultural station of Juncang Township, Nima County organized an art team to go into five administrative villages to carry out the cultural benefit tour activity of "drama into the countryside". The activity kicked off in Nilong Village, bringing a "cultural feast" to the masses, with more than 1000 people watching the performance.

During the activity, the dance, Guozhuang, solo and other programs compiled by the artistic performance team took turns to perform, so that the masses could learn from music through the form of artistic tour. The performance climaxes again and again, and the sincere and vivid performance infected every audience present.

This activity sent literary and artistic works to the villagers, school teachers and students' homes, and to the hearts of the masses in the form of performance popular with the masses, which not only enriched the spiritual and cultural life of the masses, truly implemented the culture of benefiting the people and serving the people, and created a civilized, healthy, happy and harmonious cultural atmosphere.

Editor in charge: Xiang Ba Cizhen

Sponsor: Nima County People's Government Address: Jianshe West Road, Nima County, Naqu City, Tibet Tel: 0896-3712830
Website ID: 542430001 Public security record No.: Tibetan public network security 54243002000002 Record No.: Zang ICP Bei No. 2021000016-1
Technical support: Tibet Media Group