The archaeological investigation work around the lake of "Dangrayongcuo" in Naqu City was carried out in an orderly manner
2023-09-14 17:27:43      Source: Department of Cultural Relics

A joint archaeological team composed of the Institute of Cultural Relics Protection of the Tibet Autonomous Region, the Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology of Zhejiang Province, the Bureau of Culture and Tourism of Naqu City, and the Bureau of Culture and Tourism of Nima County officially entered Nima County of Naqu City on August 29 to carry out the field archaeological survey around "Dangrayong Cuo". Up to now, the team has preliminarily completed the data collection, aerial photography, three-dimensional photography and other related work of 32 immovable cultural relics (ruins) in stages. Among them, 10 cultural relics are complex cultural relics, including tomb remains and some stone products (stone tools) collected on the ground.

According to the attribute of cultural relics, the survey initially involves three categories:

Stone tool sites (19). Most of them are distributed on both sides of the river valley, and most of them are from many villages. Among them, the most abundant stone products are found at the Meidier stone tool site in Juncang Township, the Menreding stone tool site in Laiduo Township, and the Dongsai Village stone tool site, with various types and dense distribution, and great potential for trial excavation; From the perspective of stone tools technology, it includes general stone core and flake technology and complex stone leaf and fine stone leaf technology; The stone products are mostly cone shaped fine stone leaf stone core, fine stone leaf, stone leaf, ordinary stone core, stone chip, debris, etc; Stone materials include black siliceous rock, gravel, flint, agate, etc.


Stone Specimens of Dongsai Village Stone Site

Tombs (15). According to the shape of the tomb, it can be divided into three categories: sealed earth tomb, stone tomb and stone circle tomb. It is mainly distributed in Daguo Zangbu River Basin and Buzhai Zangbu River Basin, and some tombs are distributed in the north of Nima County and the northeast corner of Zharinanmco. Among them, there are 11 stone tombs. Grave features: stones are erected in front of the tomb or the front of the tomb. The number of stones erected varies from one to 100. There are stone structures or stone circles around the tomb, and there are sealed earth and stone on the tomb; Two earth tombs were sealed. Tomb features: the upper part is a sealed soil pile, which is covered with sealed earth and stone, and there are stone structure relics on the side of the sealed soil; 2 stone circle tombs. Grave features: There are sealed earth mounds in the tombs. The sealed earth is surrounded by stones piled into a stone circle, and some tombs are covered with a small amount of sealed earth and stone.


Jiere Tombs

Stone architecture remains and sites (8). Well preserved ground buildings include an ancient stone house in Wenbunan Village and several architectural sites; There are three ruins, namely Dangraqiongzong Ruins, Qiangruomasen Ruins and Jisong Village Zhatongwuzezong Ruins; The preliminary survey of Dazong Ruins, Zaqinnawuzong Ruins, Yupengsi Jiangbeizong Ruins, Wenbunan Village Daaqing Ruins, etc. was completed, and some aerial photos and external photos were recorded.


Aerial View of Wenbu South Village and Ancient Stone House


Aerial view of the ruins of Zachenau

Editor in charge: Pu Qiong

Sponsor: Nima County People's Government Address: Jianshe West Road, Nima County, Naqu City, Tibet Tel: 0896-3712830
Website ID: 542430001 Public security record No.: Tibetan public network security 54243002000002 Record No.: Zang ICP Bei No. 2021000016-1
Technical support: Tibet Media Group