The number of Tibetan antelopes in Hoh Xil has "risen" to more than 70000
2023-06-08 17:35:32      Source: Xinhua News Agency

This is a Tibetan antelope shot in Hoh Xil on July 7. Data map

The reporter learned from the Administration of Sanjiangyuan National Park that in recent years, Hoh Xil National Nature Reserve has continuously strengthened protection, effectively curbing the poaching of Tibetan antelopes, and the population of Tibetan antelopes in the reserve has "increased" from less than 20000 to more than 70000. Recently, the large-scale migration of Tibetan antelopes has reappeared on the Qinghai Tibet Plateau.

Located in Zhiduo County, Yushu Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Qinghai Province, Hoh Xil, with a total area of 45000 square kilometers and an average altitude of more than 4600 meters, is known as the "Qinghai Tibet Plateau Rare Wild Animal Gene Pool". In the 1980s, Tibetan antelopes were poached on a large scale in Hoh Xil, and the number dropped sharply from 200000 to less than 20000.

In 1994, in order to protect Tibetan antelopes, environmental protection guard Jason Sonandajie fought with armed poachers in the Hoh Xil no man's land and finally gave his precious life. In recent years, the staff of Hoh Xil have explored many effective means of protection to protect the Tibetan antelopes from spawning and migration.

According to Dawa Zhuoma of Kekexili Management Office of Jiangyuan Park, the director of Sanjiangyuan National Park Management, the staff of Kekexili have continuously carried out large-scale, high-density and high-frequency special mountain patrols for many years to crack down on all illegal activities illegally entering the reserve.

On June 8, 2020, Hoh Xil set up a militia management and protection team to promote the "militia+ecological stewards" system and further strengthen the protection.

Over the years, Hoh Xil has closely monitored and continuously cracked down on the poaching of Tibetan antelopes. Now the protection of Tibetan antelopes has become normalized and institutionalized. "The current situation of effective protection of Tibetan antelopes is the epitome of the achievements in the construction of China's nature reserves. The effective protection of rare animal and plant resources on the plateau benefits from the national investment and construction of nature reserves." said Bu Zhou, director of the Hekexili Management Office of Jiangyuan Park, director of Sanjiangyuan National Park.

Recently, the State Forestry and Grass Administration announced that the protection level of Tibetan antelope in China has been downgraded from "endangered species" to "near endangered species". (Xinhua News Agency)

Editor in charge: Jiang Xinwen

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