Why is there always "measure" added to "measure" in Polar Naqu
2022-03-22 17:30:26      Source: Naqu Cultural Tourism

When walking through Naqu, we often hear a saying that we always add "measure" to "measure" in Naqu, and "measure" to the end. What's the meaning of this? It turns out that the Tibetan language pronounces the lake "Cuo". There are more than 300 lakes scattered on the land of Naqu, and they are accompanied by lakes all the way. One after another, that is, "Cuo" is added to "Cuo", which means "Cuo" in the end.


Overlooking Selinchuo


The water and grass beside Selinchuo Lake are rich and beautiful, and the sheep are fat

According to the research of scientists, Selinchuo in Shenzha County and Bange County was undoubtedly the largest lake in Tibet, with an area of 10000 square kilometers. Later, due to climate change, the lake shrank back, separating the lakes such as Bangozuo, Cuoer, and Gerensuo. By the 1970s, the area of Selinchuo was only more than 1600 square kilometers, becoming the second largest lake in Tibet. In recent decades, the water of the lake has continued to rise and its area has expanded. Now it has surpassed Namtsuo and returned to the largest lake. It is really changeable.


The two great lakes are close to each other, with Selinchuo on the left and Cuoe on the right.


The water of Cuo'e Lake is clear and sparkling.

There are many bird islands in Cuoe (Lake) to the southwest of Selinchuo. From April to August every year, more than 10 kinds of birds, such as brown headed gulls, terns and spotted geese, breed here and breed more than 100000 young birds. The Bangecuo in the east of Selinchuo is another scene. The lake shore here is full of white flowers. It turns out that this is a long famous borax salt lake. Borax has been used since the 6th century. In the 1950s, Tibet's No. 1 Chemical Plant was built to exploit boron ore on a large scale and produce refined borax for sale at home and abroad.


The curve of Cuoehu Bay is beautiful, and the setting sun reflects the water and the sky.


Passion leaps to Bangozuo.

Today, Selinchuo is the core area of the Qiangtang National Nature Reserve, the habitat of many rare and endangered creatures, and the largest black necked crane nature reserve in the world. Tibetan antelopes are also gradually migrating from the far west to the east of Selinchuo, expanding their habitat.

Editor in charge: Sonantsom

Sponsor: Nima County People's Government Address: Jianshe West Road, Nima County, Naqu City, Tibet Tel: 0896-3712830
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