Linzhou County People's Procuratorate launched the activity of "promoting the rule of law into enterprises"
April 22, 2024 12:08:09 Source: Window of Lin Zhou

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Recently, the People's Procuratorate of Linzhou County organized the procuratorial police to go to Linzhou Pengbo Project Management Co., Ltd. to carry out the activity of "promoting the rule of law into enterprises while procuratorial work is in progress".

The activity was carried out in the mode of "lecture+forum", in which the lecturers focused on the actual legal needs of enterprises from their own professional perspectives, focused on the legal content closely related to the enterprise's operation and development, such as enterprise compliance review, the types of crimes committed by companies and enterprise personnel, and promoted enterprise employees to improve their legal thinking and legal rights protection ability by strengthening their awareness of enterprise risk prevention, Guide enterprises to strengthen their own compliance construction, promote the construction of enterprises ruled by law, and explain to the participants the effective measures and powerful measures of the procuratorial function in the development of escort enterprises.

At the end of the activity, the procuratorial police distributed more than 50 brochures and articles to the enterprise participants. The participants praised the activity in succession, saying that carrying out activities in various forms has built a bridge for establishing closer ties and formed a good atmosphere for jointly promoting the construction of the rule of law.

In the next step, the People's Procuratorate of Linzhou County will continue to take the special action of "procuratorial protection of enterprises" as an important starting point to ensure the development and growth of the private economy, fully perform procuratorial functions, perform duties in an integrated, comprehensive and active manner, serve to ensure the business environment under the rule of law, and contribute procuratorial force to ensure the healthy development and service construction of private enterprises in Linzhou County.

Editor in charge: He Yongqing
Linzhou County People's Procuratorate launched the activity of "promoting the rule of law into enterprises"
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Sponsor: People's Government of Linzhou County Address: No. 1, Juedegang Road, Linzhou County, Lhasa, Tibet Tel: 0891-6122123
Website ID: 5401210001 Record No.: Zang ICP Bei No. 2021000018-1
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