Lv Yehui and his delegation went to Lin Zhou to supervise the study and education of party discipline
2024-05-11 11:55:25 Source: Lin Zhouzhichuang

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On May 9, Lv Yehui, Deputy Director of the Organization Department of the Party Committee of the Autonomous Region, and a delegation of three went to Linzhou to supervise the learning and education of party discipline, and successively went to six units, namely, the People's Government of Jiangrexia Township, the Village Committee of Lading Village, the Statistics Bureau of Linzhou County, the special class for learning and education of party discipline in the county, the People's Government of Qiangga Township, and the Village Committee of Qiangga Village, Qiangga Township, Discuss and understand the development of Party discipline learning and education and the existing difficulties.

Mima Ciren, Deputy Director of the Organization Department of the CPC Lhasa Municipal Committee, Deji Yangzong, Deputy Secretary of the CPC Linzhou County Committee and County Chief, Wu Xiaobing, Deputy Secretary of the CPC Lhasa County Committee, Li Jing, Member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Lhasa County Committee, Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission and Director of the Supervision Commission, accompanied the supervision.

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Lv Yehui stressed that it is necessary to thoroughly study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech and instructions on Party discipline learning and education, and carry out high-quality Party discipline learning and education to ensure effectiveness. It is necessary to highlight the focus of work, take strengthening the party building at the grass-roots level as the guide, take the party discipline learning and education as the starting point, educate and guide party members and cadres to learn, know, understand and abide by discipline, give full play to the role of discipline building as a sharp weapon to address both the symptoms and root causes, and constantly promote comprehensive and strict governance of the party.

Lv Yehui required that we should focus on integrating into daily life and focusing on regular work. In daily work, life and study, we should repeatedly study and continue to deepen, take the Regulations as a "pocket book" and "pillow book", and earnestly engrave compliance with rules and disciplines in our hearts, internalizing them into daily use but not consciously words and deeds; We should pay attention to hierarchical classification and precise teaching. To effectively improve the pertinence and effectiveness of learning and education, we should focus on continuously enhancing the political, disciplinary, moral and anti-corruption determination of the "top leaders" and the "key minority", stick to putting discipline and rules in front, educate party members and cadres to strengthen discipline awareness, strengthen self-discipline, improve immunity, and guide farmers and herdsmen party members to understand what discipline and rules are, Understand what can and cannot be done; We should pay attention to the combination of cases and interpretation. In the process of learning, we should often learn common typical cases, especially dig out, analyze and make good use of the typical cases of discipline violations in our region and department, use the warning records, confessions, warning educational films, etc. of cadres who violate discipline and law to carry out warning education, learn lessons from them and accept warnings, at the same time, identify violations of discipline and law, draw inferences from one instance and draw lessons from others in combination with the Regulations, Be alert in thought and conscious in action; We should pay attention to audit and publicity. Seriously publicize the discipline of work, grasp the public opinion orientation, strictly review the information trends of Party discipline learning and education, and publicize the Party discipline and relevant interpretations through online download sports such as bulletin boards, banners, LED displays, WeChat public accounts, and voice calls, so as to broaden the channels for Party members and cadres to learn Party discipline.

Editor in charge: He Yongqing
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