Suo Dan and his party went deep into Mangpu Township to investigate and guide the implementation of key work
2024-04-17 16:17:43      Source: Issued by Lazi County

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In order to comprehensively carry forward the fine tradition of Party members and leading cadres going to the grass-roots level, contacting the masses, and investigating and studying, and effectively grasp the construction of key projects in Lazi County, on April 16, Suo Dan, deputy secretary of the CPC Lazi County Committee and head of the county, and his delegation went to Mangpu Township to investigate and guide the development of key work in the area under their jurisdiction, accompanied by the main person in charge of Mangpu Township and relevant personnel from the government office.

In Nai Village, Mangpu Township, the research team checked and listened to the construction of high standard farmland, the construction of canals and the operation of cattle raising cooperatives. Suo Dan requested that the party organizations at the two levels in the countryside should effectively play a leading role in party building, strengthen the ideological education and guidance of the people, constantly enhance the endogenous power of the people, organize the people to do a good job in the maintenance, use and benefit play of various projects in the later stage, and ensure that the living and production conditions of the people are getting better and better. The construction enterprise shall, in strict accordance with the project design, time nodes, quality standards and other requirements, accelerate the construction progress and ensure the completion of the construction with quality and quantity on schedule on the premise of ensuring the construction quality and safety. At the same time, actively communicate and coordinate with the "two committees" of the village, fully demonstrate the project design and actual needs, and ensure that the project meets the actual needs and gives full play to its due benefits. The "two committees" of the village should further deepen their ideological understanding, strengthen the supervision of the whole process of project implementation, and prevent construction enterprises from jerry building, substandard quality and other phenomena. Cattle raising cooperatives should effectively play the role of promoting the separation of human beings and livestock, further improve the scientific breeding ability, constantly optimize the planting proportion of corn, pea, oatmeal grass and other forage, improve the nutrition level of forage, strengthen livestock epidemic prevention work, increase the efforts to sell cattle in the four seasons, effectively improve the economic benefits of the cooperative, and boost people's income and wealth.

In Nalachi Village, Mangpu Township, the research team checked and listened to the commencement of the flood control dam project and the management and operation of the sheep raising cooperative. Suo Dan required that the village "two committees" and the village work team should regularly supervise the construction unit to prepare work and materials in combination with climate change, timely remind the construction to start, and ensure that the commencement time is right and the project quality and quantity are guaranteed. The "two committees" of the village should base on the actual development of the sheep raising cooperatives, further standardize the breeding management, appropriately expand the breeding scale, and improve the development level of the cooperatives.

Editor in charge: Pu Qiong

Public security record No.: Zanggongwang Anbei No. 54022502000001 MIIT Filing No.: Zang ICP Bei No. 2023000004 - 1 Website ID: 5423260001
Copyright: People's Government of Lazi County, Shigatse Technical support: Tibet Media Group

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