Lazi County Holds the Fourth National Cultural Relics Census Leading Group Meeting
2024-05-17 16:34:15      Source: Issued by Lazi County

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On May 16, Lazi County held the first meeting of the fourth national cultural relics survey leading group, and Li Xifeng, member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Lazi County Committee and deputy county head, attended the meeting and made a speech.

The meeting conveyed the Implementation Plan of the Fourth National Cultural Relics Census in Lazi County and the Publicity Work Plan of the Fourth National Cultural Relics Census in Lazi County.

The meeting required that all units and departments should effectively enhance the sense of responsibility and mission of the fourth national cultural relics census, make systematic planning and careful deployment, and steadily and orderly promote the fourth national cultural relics census in Lazi County with a higher position and higher requirements. Carrying out the fourth national cultural relics survey is an important measure to thoroughly study and implement Xi Jinping's cultural thoughts and the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on the protection and inheritance of cultural heritage, an important foundation for the development of cultural relics in the new era, and an era requirement for continuing the Chinese culture and building the modern civilization of the Chinese nation. This census of cultural relics has many objects, involves a wide range, is difficult to work, and is time intensive. All census member units should fully mobilize, equip and strengthen the capable forces for the census of cultural relics, ensure that the census is fully covered and there is no omission, ensure that the census task is solidly and steadily carried forward, and the census data is true, accurate, complete and reliable. All units and departments should organize, plan and implement the propaganda and guidance work, widely mobilize the participation of the society, so that the cadres and the masses can have a deeper and more comprehensive understanding of the purpose, significance and main content of the census work, and further enhance the protection awareness of the cadres and the masses of cultural heritage.

Editor in charge: Pu Qiong

Public security record No.: Zanggongwang Anbei No. 54022502000001 MIIT Filing No.: Zang ICP Bei No. 2023000004 - 1 Website ID: 5423260001
Copyright: People's Government of Lazi County, Shigatse Technical support: Tibet Media Group

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