Xi Fuping Investigates the Economic and Social Development of Sangzhu Village
2024-02-05 18:44:27      Source: Issued by Lazi County

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Recently, Xi Fuping, secretary of the Lazi County Party Committee, conducted a survey on the economic and social development of Sangzhu Village, Quxia Town, deeply understood the production and living of the masses, employment and income increase, the development of the village's collective economy and social undertakings, "one separation and two improvements" and other work, and had in-depth exchanges with the village's "two committees" and village teams.

Xi Fuping pointed out that in recent years, under the strong leadership of the district and municipal Party committees and governments at all levels, Lazi County has made all-round economic and social progress, greatly improved its production and living conditions, and constantly enhanced the sense of gain, happiness, and security of the masses.

Xi Fuping stressed that grass-roots organizations at all levels should, on the basis of ensuring stability and safety in production, actively guide the masses to change the concept of development, establish the awareness of becoming rich through hard work and skills, and strive to create a happy life with hard hands. It is necessary to constantly strengthen the cohesion and appeal of the "two committees" of the village, make good use of various policies that benefit the people, make efforts to play the role of grass-roots organizations in changing customs, improving village appearance, actively leading the villagers to develop production and jointly embark on the road of prosperity. It is necessary to combine the advantages of local resources, further emancipate the mind, exploit and cultivate characteristic advantageous industries according to local conditions, closely focus on the general requirements of rural revitalization, stimulate the endogenous power of the countryside, and constantly promote the prosperity, beauty and strength of the countryside.

Editor in charge: Pu Qiong

Public security record No.: Zanggongwang Anbei No. 54022502000001 MIIT Filing No.: Zang ICP Bei No. 2023000004 - 1 Website ID: 5423260001
Copyright: People's Government of Lazi County, Shigatse Technical support: Tibet Media Group

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