The Court of Gyangze County held a self inspection and self correction working meeting on case file evaluation
2024-05-09 17:06:41      Source: Ping An Gyantse

In order to continuously improve the quality of cases and promote the standardization of files to a higher level, recently, the People's Court of Gyangze County held a working conference on self inspection and self correction of special actions for case file evaluation.

The main contents of the evaluation are the cases concluded in the 2023 annual review, which will be evaluated by means of spot check, and a total of 60 files will be evaluated. From the aspects of the integrity of case process information entry, the clarity of materials in the file, the consistency of electronic files and paper files, and the standardization of document making, the file was strictly, practically, and carefully examined from multiple angles and in an all-round way. The evaluators recorded the non-standard contents found in their respective evaluation files item by item, providing direction for subsequent rectification. In the process of evaluation, the evaluators exchanged and discussed common problems, focused on their own shortcomings, and learned to exchange good experiences and practices.

In the future, the People's Court of Gyangze County will adhere to the problem orientation, compare the filing standards, normalize the self inspection and self-evaluation of files, consolidate the filing foundation of files, define the work to the post, assign the responsibility to the person, and ensure the substantive justice and procedural justice of the case.

Editor in charge: Pu Qiong

Sponsor: People's Government of Gyangze County Address: No.1 Weiguo Road, Gyangze County, Shigatse, Tibet Tel: 0892-8172284
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