In 2024, the cultural exchange activities between Pudong New Area and Jiangzi County will be launched
2024-05-10 17:52:33      Source: issued by Gyangze County

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On May 8, the launching ceremony of the 2024 Shanghai Pudong New Area · Shigatse City Gyantse County Cultural Exchange Activity and the Beicai Town Special Performance were held in Lujiazui Future College. Traditional songs and dances from Gyantse County with strong local characteristics, such as Tibetan opera and Zhuo dance, competed with local songs and dances in Shanghai, It was a wonderful performance of multi-cultural integration for the audience.

The performance kicked off in the dance "Tibetan Opera - Auspicious Harmony" brought by Gyantse County. The whole performance was brilliant, covering dance, six stringed lute playing and singing, storytelling, singing and dancing. The characteristic literature and art of Gyantse and Beicai were vividly displayed, so that the audience felt the high and exciting culture and elegance of the two places.

This artistic performance, through the media of characteristic cultural exchange and display, highlights the rich and colorful cultural forms of the Chinese nation, promotes the exchange and cooperation of culture and art between the two places, and builds an important platform for exchanges, exchanges, and blending of various ethnic groups. At the same time, the activity site has set up the exhibition and sales points of Gyantse special products to attract local people to feel and appreciate Gyantse special food and products.

Next, cultural exchange activities will continue in Tang Town, Datuan Town, Heqing Town and Zhuqiao Town.

Editor in charge: Pu Qiong

Sponsor: People's Government of Gyangze County Address: No.1 Weiguo Road, Gyangze County, Shigatse, Tibet Tel: 0892-8172284
Website ID: 5423230001 Public security record No.: Zanggong Anbei No. 540222020000001 MIIT Filing No.: Zang ICP Bei No. 2021000093 - 1
Technical support: Tibet Media Group