Tibet Gyangze Highland Barley Food Festival was successfully held in Shanghai in 2024
2024-05-09 17:05:38      Source: issued by Gyangze County

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On May 8, the 2024 Tibetan Gyantse Highland Barley Food Festival, hosted by the People's Government of Gyantse County, Tibet Autonomous Region and the People's Government of Pudong New Area, Shanghai, was successfully held in Shanghai. While enjoying the prosperity of the city, Shanghai citizens were also lucky to experience a unique highland barley food festival in Hema Xiansheng.

As a part of the series of activities of aiding Tibet in Pudong, Shanghai, this activity not only demonstrated the unique customs of the Tibetan plateau, but also conveyed to the public the fruitful results of the work of aiding Tibet in Pudong, Shanghai and the contact group of the tenth batch of cadres of aiding Tibet in Jiangzi County in Shanghai through a series of colorful activities.

Highland barley, as a representative crop in Tibet, is not only the staple food of local people, but also the symbol of plateau ecological culture. In order to let more citizens feel the charm of highland barley, Hema Xiansheng has specially set up a highland barley culture exhibition area in the store to display various highland barley products, and through on-site production of highland barley wine noodles, highland barley oatmeal and other food, let citizens taste the delicious plateau.

Since the paired assistance, the Shanghai Assistance Group to Tibet Gyantse has actively responded to the national call to help Gyantse's economic and social development through capital, technology, talent and other assistance. Especially in the agricultural field, the team of Shanghai Tibet Assistance Gyantse Group has effectively improved the yield and quality of Gyantse highland barley by introducing advanced agricultural technology and management experience, making this plateau specialty go out of the mountains and into thousands of households. As an important retail platform in the daily life of Shanghai citizens, the combination of Hema Fresh Food and Highland Barley Food Festival is undoubtedly a continuous attempt with innovative significance.

The success of this highland barley food festival not only enriched the cultural life of citizens, but also injected new vitality into the work of aiding Tibet in Pudong, Shanghai.

Editor in charge: Pu Qiong

Sponsor: People's Government of Gyangze County Address: No.1 Weiguo Road, Gyangze County, Shigatse, Tibet Tel: 0892-8172284
Website ID: 5423230001 Public security record No.: Zanggong Anbei No. 540222020000001 MIIT Filing No.: Zang ICP Bei No. 2021000093 - 1
Technical support: Tibet Media Group