2024 "Bookish Tibet" National Reading Activity Held in Shigatse
2024-04-24 09:33:24      Source: Tibet Daily

On the morning of the 23rd, on the occasion of the 29th World Reading Day, the launching ceremony of the 2024 "Shuxiang Tibet" National Reading and Shigatse "Shuxiang Everest" series activities hosted by the Propaganda Department of the Party Committee of the Autonomous Region was held in Shigatse. Wang Haizhou, member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee and head of the Propaganda Department of the Autonomous Region, delivered a speech and announced the launch. Si Lannima, Vice Chairman of the Autonomous Region and Secretary of the Shigatse Municipal Party Committee, attended the meeting.

Wang Haizhou pointed out that we should adhere to the leadership of Xi Jinping's cultural thoughts, earnestly shoulder the new cultural mission of the new era, further enrich cultural nourishment, consolidate cultural foundation, build a scholarly Tibet, and promote the high-quality development of reading for all. We should lead the construction direction of bookish Tibet by "learning and understanding ideas", always put the study, publicity and implementation of Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era in the first place, and make it known to everyone, in the mind and in the heart. It is necessary to make the brand of "Shuxiang Everest" bigger and better with the distinctive background of the whole people's reading, and guide the people of all ethnic groups to participate in reading, love reading, and promote reading. We should make good use of information and digital means to expand reading space and provide online communication platforms for readers to participate in, experience and share reading. It is necessary to take precision, objectification and mass distribution as an effective way to promote reading for all, extensively carry out theme reading day activities, and focus on guiding the healthy and happy growth of young people and children in reading and learning. He called on the whole society to set off an upsurge of reading and learning, make reading a good habit of people, and let the fragrance of books permeate the snow covered plateau.

At the launching ceremony, awards and medals were given to the representatives who won the first Tibetan "Bookseller", "The Most Beautiful Farmer (Pastoral) Bookstore" and "The Most Beautiful Reading Promoter". China Publishing Association, Taofen Foundation, Thread bound Books Co., Ltd. and Shanghai Yingjiao Network Technology Co., Ltd. presented books to our district.

Before the event, Wang Haizhou and his delegation successively went to the New Era Civilization Practice Center in Sangzhuzi District, Shigatse City, the county-level financial media center, Jipei Community and Jifuton Book Bar in Zhangmu New Area to conduct research, understand the development of local mass cultural activities, especially the work of reading for the whole people, and have a discussion with leaders of relevant departments directly under the municipal government.

Editor in charge: Pu Qiong

Sponsor: People's Government of Gyangze County Address: No.1 Weiguo Road, Gyangze County, Shigatse, Tibet Tel: 0892-8172284
Website ID: 5423230001 Public security record No.: Zanggong Anbei No. 540222020000001 MIIT Filing No.: Zang ICP Bei No. 2021000093 - 1
Technical support: Tibet Media Group