Returned college students set up highland barley food company: take root in the local and go "new"
2024-04-18 09:54:17      Source: Tibet Daily

In July 2023, the awarding ceremony of the first batch of 12 "Tibet time-honored brands" in the autonomous region was held in Lhasa, and Tibet Gezang Highland Barley Food Technology Development Co., Ltd. was successfully recognized as one of the "Tibet time-honored brands" by virtue of its brand "Jiezi Dongguo".

Tibet Gezang Highland Barley Food Technology Development Co., Ltd., founded in 2014, is the first company founded by returned college students in Gyantse County, Shigatse City. It has risen rapidly in just a few years and has now developed into an industry leader integrating acquisition, research and development, processing and sales. As a national demonstration enterprise of staple food processing industry, a demonstration enterprise of China's Good Grain and Oil Action, and a leading enterprise in the industrialization of agriculture and animal husbandry in Shigatse, the company has always adhered to the principle of quality first, specializing in the production and sales of highland barley series products. Among them, products such as Zanba of "Jiezi Dongguo" brand and "barley barley" highland barley powder and biscuits are deeply loved by consumers.

Relying on the unique advantages of highland barley resources in Gyangze County, the company purchases about 3.15 million kilograms of highland barley every year. On this basis, the annual output of various highland barley products has exceeded 1500 tons, the sales volume has been growing at a rate of 29% for several consecutive years, and the market share in the region has reached more than 50%. The sales situation is encouraging, and the market prospect is very broad.

Of course, the company's development path is not smooth. In recent years, highland barley processing industry has sprung up like mushrooms, and the market demand has been expanding. However, the output of highland barley is in short supply. This makes many enterprises face the dilemma of raw material acquisition, and the production cost continues to rise. How to deal with this challenge has become a major problem facing the industry.

In order to solve this problem, the company has always insisted on innovation and continuous exploration, and finally found a new development path, Through large-scale planting and fine processing, the yield and quality of highland barley will be improved to ensure stable highland barley supply and reduce production costs. He said that this is not easy. Enterprises need to make a series of considerations and decisions in base construction, planting technology, management methods and other aspects to ensure that highland barley cultivation, processing, transportation and other aspects meet strict standards. Although there are many problems to be solved, he is full of confidence in the future development of the enterprise.

The relevant person in charge of the company said that, in the next step, it will closely focus on local industrial policies, take the development of agricultural products with national characteristics as the leading role, continue to adhere to the integrity of management, establish brand awareness, adhere to brand characteristics, continue to innovate, and give full play to "time-honored brands" in commercial circulation, consumption promotion, quality management, technological innovation, brand building The demonstration and leading role of cultural inheritance and other aspects can better obtain consumers' trust and support for the corporate brand.

Editor in charge: Pu Qiong

Sponsor: People's Government of Gyangze County Address: No.1 Weiguo Road, Gyangze County, Shigatse, Tibet Tel: 0892-8172284
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