Hunan Medical Assistance Team for Tibet Helps Shannan Tibetan Medical Hospital to Develop in High Quality
2024-02-21 09:41:31      Source: Tibet Daily

Hunan Tibetan aid doctors and doctors from Shannan Tibetan Medical Hospital are consulting difficult patients. Photographed by reporter Liu Feng

Peng Yao (left), a doctor assisting Tibet in Hunan and an expert in the intensive care unit of Shannan Tibetan Medical Hospital, discussed the patient's condition with local doctors. Photographed by reporter Liu Feng

Xu Li (middle), a doctor assisting Tibet in Hunan and deputy chief stomatologist of Shannan Tibetan Medical Hospital, conducts practical teaching around rubber barrier isolation. Photographed by reporter Liu Feng

What the Shannan people want and want, the Tibetan medical team will seek and do:

More than 4 million yuan was invested in Tibet to support Shannan Tibetan Medical Hospital to build a modern Tibetan medicine preparation room in Jiangbei Industrial Park;

Multi discipline and multi department coordination and linkage will help Shannan Tibetan Medical Hospital to achieve the best results in the first periodic review of the third level first-class hospital in 2023;

The first "knee joint infection prosthesis removal+debridement+antibiotic bone cement placeholder implantation" was carried out in Shannan Tibetan Medical Hospital, so that people can enjoy high-quality medical services without going out of the market.


One medical practice after another came to fruition, and one medical technology after another benefited the masses. This is just a part of many practical things that Hunan Medical Assistance Team for Tibet helped Shannan Tibetan Medical Hospital.

Since 2023, the tenth batch of medical teams in Hunan Province to assist Tibet has been adhering to the concern for the health of Shannan people, focusing on the weaknesses in the development of Shannan Tibetan Medical Hospital, giving full play to the advantages of counterpart support, adhering to the original intention of assisting Tibet, practicing the mission of doctors, and contributing Hunan power to the development of Shannan medical industry.

Highlight key points

Focus on improving medical technology

"Thank you to all the Tibetan doctors who have cured my disease. My joints have been sore for more than five months, but now they are no longer painful and more comfortable." In April 2023, Hunan Tibetan doctors Zhou Yizhao, Li Suobei and others cooperated with the orthopedic surgery team of Shannan Tibetan Medical Hospital to jointly carry out the surgery of the broken ceramic lining of the right hip joint, the removal of the femoral head and the revision of the prosthesis, The patient and his family members thanked the doctor repeatedly for having cured the patient's pain.

This hip joint revision surgery is the first time in Shannan City, filling the gap of this technology.

The key to medical aid to Tibet is to improve the level of medical technology and diagnosis and treatment ability, and use the light of "angels in white" to illuminate the health of the masses.

With the support of the Hunan Medical Assistance Team for Tibet, in 2023, Shannan Tibetan Medical Hospital will open a new department of otorhinolaryngology, gynecology, and preventive care (pulmonary disease department), expand children's oral sub specialty, and set up a separate emergency department, effectively improving the rescue ability.

In terms of highly difficult operations, only from March to December 2023, doctors assisted by Hunan Province in Tibet directed the Tibetan Medical Hospital to carry out more than 60 highly difficult Class IV joint replacement operations, an increase of 40% over the same period last year, while achieving three improvements in the number of inpatients, the number of surgeons and the satisfaction rate of patients.

At the same time, the Hunan Medical Assistance Team for Tibet actively integrated capital, technology and talent resources, and introduced new technologies such as polysomnography breath detection and brain natriuretic peptide detection; Support the establishment of microbiology laboratory to fill the gaps of many inspection items in the laboratory department; A variety of new equipment such as air disinfection machine, knee shoulder arthroscope, multi-functional gum implant machine, invasive respirator, etc. have been added, providing a strong support of software and hardware facilities for the improvement of medical technology level of Shannan Tibetan Medical Hospital.

Grasp the core

Create a team that cannot be taken away

Tibet is not a temporary aid, but a long-term one. In accordance with the concept of "assisting a group of talents and bringing out a group of talents", the medical team of Hunan Province for Tibet has vigorously trained local medical talents, helped to develop standardized, institutionalized and operable management systems and diagnosis and treatment systems, and worked hard to improve the fine management level of the hospital, leaving a professional team for Shannan Tibetan Medical Hospital.

In the past year, the Hunan Medical Assistance Team for Tibet has held more than 100 lectures in the series of "Hunan Health Assistance Forum"; More than 40 medical team members were fully engaged in the work of "mentoring", and each department ensured that the teaching of "mentoring" was conducted once or twice a month; Four batches of more than 30 medical staff were selected to go to Hunan Provincial People's Hospital and other units for further study; The scientific research plan was launched in an all-round way, helping to successfully apply for 6 autonomous region bureau level subjects and 3 Hunan counterpart Tibet assistance department level subjects... A series of measures have promoted the management level, diagnosis and treatment ability and nursing level of Shannan Tibetan Medical Hospital.

At the same time, we actively helped Shannan initially establish a five level quality control management system for nursing, the first Tibetan hospital sense management system in Shannan, and the hospital sense management norms for Tibetan medical external treatment, which further improved the emergency rescue ability.

Cao Weiyun, a former member of the Party Committee and head of the medical department of Shannan Tibetan Medical Hospital, and a medical expert in Hunan's assistance to Tibet, introduced that through the establishment and implementation of 18 core systems, including three-level ward rounds and consultation and discussion on difficult cases, a series of measures were taken to promote the establishment of the first city and county Tibetan medical institution information integration system in the region and promote the expansion of high-quality medical resources of Tibetan medicine, The Hunan Medical Assistance Team for Tibet has effectively left many excellent management experience and technical methods outside the district in Shannan, opening up new space for the sustainable development of Shannan Tibetan Medical Hospital.

Deepen service

Constantly enrich the connotation of Tibet aid

Aid to Tibet is a spirit and a wealth. Based on improving strength, improving people's livelihood, serving the masses, and expanding fields, the Hunan Tibet Assistance Medical Team has constantly enriched the connotation of Tibet assistance through various ways to make the spirit of Tibet assistance more dazzling.

In 2023, the Hunan Medical Assistance Team for Tibet will deepen the medical delivery, medicine delivery, and medical services, provide free clinics for thousands of people, distribute tens of thousands of drugs, and help farmers in Lalong Village, Sangri County and other places in pairs to deliver warmth and health to them; Experts from Xiangya Hospital were organized to go to Tibet to screen and treat more than 40 children with suspected congenital heart disease in four counties, including Longzi County and Zhabao County, and 2 children diagnosed with congenital heart disease were sent to Hunan for free treatment.

The power of medical aid to Tibet is transmitted in Yalong, and the efforts of Tibetan doctors are blooming everywhere.

Cao Weiyun said, "Once, when we were returning to the countryside and passing through Jiacha County, we met a little girl who was bleeding from her nose. I worked hard with Tang Hongbo, a Tibetan aid doctor in the Department of Otolaryngology, to stop her bleeding, and told her parents to go to the hospital for further examination and treatment. The next day, the parents of the child really came to the hospital and found us. With the help of Dr. Tang, the child recovered quickly. This incident made me deeply feel the trust between my compatriots and doctors and patients. "

Tang Lijun, a doctor who helped Tibet in Hunan and deputy head nurse of the nursing department of Shannan Tibetan Medical Hospital, said, "We extended the Hunan experience of the 'first witness' to Shannan, and carried out eight emergency rescue knowledge trainings in communities, campuses, and government agencies, so that more people can understand and learn cardiopulmonary resuscitation, trauma rescue, and Heimlich first aid, so that they can save themselves and each other at critical moments."

Liu Liang, a doctor assisting Tibet in Hunan and director of the Department of Sensation of Shannan Tibetan Medical Hospital, said, "We actively promote informatization and unified and paperless assessment standards, and use the 'Sensation and Control Workshop' APP to strengthen training and learning, carry out 'hand hygiene' surveys, and strive to make medical management more efficient." Zhou Yizhao, a doctor assisting Tibet in Hunan and chief physician of the Department of Orthopaedics of Shannan Tibetan Medical Hospital, said, Every time I relieve the pain of patients, I feel that helping Shannan is particularly meaningful; Xu Li, a doctor assisting Tibet in Hunan Province and deputy chief physician of stomatology department of Shannan Tibetan Medical Hospital, said that in order to take "apprentices" out of school, I would like to take them to academic conferences, further education, disease analysis and operating table more

From "blood transfusion" to "hemopoiesis", from assistance to cooperation, the Hunan medical team for Tibet is writing a new chapter of colorful medical aid to Tibet with many original intentions to escort health.

Editor in charge: Feng Yanling