Gongga got its name from the abbreviation of "Gongri Gebu", which means the white Gongri Mountain. In the history of Gongga, its Chinese names were translated into Bugar, Gongge'er Village, Riga Gonggar, Konga, Konga, Gongka, Gongri Gebu, Gongga, etc. This name was adopted in 1989.

Gongga County has a long history and is one of the cradles of Yalong culture in Tibet. At the beginning of the 14th century AD, the Yuan Dynasty authorized Pamuzuba to take over the local power in Tibet. After Datu Jiangqu Jianzan came into power, Gongga Zong was established. In May 1951, after the peaceful liberation of Tibet, the local government of Tibet maintained the Gongga clan system under the jurisdiction of the local government of Tibet. On May 5, 1959, the original Gonggazong and Jiede Xiudui Creek were merged to form Gongga County. On June 12, the Zong Military Control Committee was revoked and the Gongga County People's Government was established, which is subordinate to Shannan City.