The 25th Meeting of the Standing Committee of the 14th National People's Congress of Gongga County was held
2024-05-16 17:11:50      Source: Netcom Gongga

On May 14, the 25th meeting of the Standing Committee of the 14th National People's Congress of Gongga County was held, and Zou Yun, Deputy Secretary of the Gongga County Party Committee and Director of the Standing Committee of the County People's Congress, presided over the meeting.


The meeting heard and reviewed the Report of the Standing Committee of the People's Congress of Gongga County on Carrying out the Activity of "National Unity and Progress Yalong Trip", the Report of the People's Government of Gongga County on the Management of State owned Assets, and the Report of the People's Government of Gongga County on the Implementation of the Spirit of the Symposium in the Riverside Areas of Shannan City Comprehensive Report of the People's Government of Gongga County on Handling the Deliberation Opinions of the Standing Committee of the County People's Congress in 2023, Report of the People's Government of Gongga County on Implementing the Rural Revitalization Strategy in 2023, and the meeting voted to approve the relevant removal matters.

Zou Yun stressed that the Party Group of the Standing Committee of Gongga County People's Congress, the Party branch of the Office of the Standing Committee of the County People's Congress, and all party members and cadres of the People's Congress system should improve their political standing, deeply understand the significance of accepting inspection and supervision, and take the acceptance of inspection and supervision by the inspection team of the district party committee as an important opportunity to strengthen the Party spirit and improve their self-cultivation, as well as to find gaps An important opportunity to improve the political position, as an important opportunity to improve the supervision mechanism and improve the quality of work, as an important opportunity to learn to understand and implement the Regulations of the Communist Party of China on Patrol Work, earnestly integrate ideas and actions into the requirements of the central and district party committees for patrol work, and have the courage to expose the shortcomings and show the ugliness, and dare to be aggressive, Take practical actions as an example of self revolution and a benchmark for observing discipline. In accordance with the "One Key Point and Three Plans" of the Standing Committee of the County People's Congress in 2024, we should earnestly perform the statutory functions of the People's Congress, focus on Shannan's work goal of "six leading the district" and the work deployment of the county party committee of "four building", constantly consolidate and expand the achievements of theme education, actively practice the people's democracy in the whole process, closely focus on the overall situation of Gongga County's work, and strive to take action, Make greater contributions to the comprehensive construction of the new Gongga for socialist modernization. We should focus on combining the actual work of the National People's Congress to ensure that tangible results are achieved. We should organize and carry out relevant practical activities, further deepen the understanding and application of party rules and disciplines in practice, and enhance the awareness of discipline and rules. We should further strengthen the construction of Party conduct and clean government, strictly implement the spirit of the eight central regulations and their implementation rules, resolutely oppose the "four styles" issue, and continue to promote the construction of Party conduct and clean government in depth. We should adhere to the principle of no restricted area, full coverage and zero tolerance, and always maintain a high-pressure trend of punishing corruption, so that party members and cadres dare not, cannot and do not want to corrupt. Party members and cadres should be alerted, know the bottom line, and be in awe by watching typical cases and lecturing anti-corruption special Party courses.

Editor in charge: Feng Yanling