Gongga County: sow seeds of hope and cultivate colorful dreams
2024-03-21 11:09:08      Source: Netcom Gongga

Recently, the opening ceremony of Gongga County was held in Gangze Village, Langjixue Township. Ping Cuo, Deputy Secretary of Gongga County Party Committee and County Chief, Sorangchi, Deputy County Chief, and Nizhen, Head of Soil and Fertilizer Station of Shannan City Promotion Center attended the opening ceremony.


Farmers and herdsmen gathered in the fields in their festive costumes, and plowmen sang traditional songs and danced happily. The loud and clear song expresses the gratitude to the Party, the industriousness and simplicity of the Gongga people, and wakes up the fertile land that has been sleeping for a long time, so as to open up a good "rich" scene in the New Year.

At the traditional ploughing ceremony, the masses were dressed in costumes and their faces were full of bright smiles. With the roar of tractors, the masses presented Hada, highland barley wine and buttered tea to the plowers. Then, the small tractors of the people ploughed the first plough in spring. The girls in costumes walked and sowed the first seed of spring to the ground, hoping for a good harvest and health.     


In the next step, Gongga County Agricultural and Rural Bureau will continue to make a scientific and reasonable layout, grasp the agricultural time, comprehensively promote the work of spring ploughing and spring sowing, take the agricultural supply side as the main line, accelerate the implementation of the rural revitalization strategy as the support, and truly implement the "grain in the land, grain in technology", so as to lay a solid foundation for promoting the high-quality economic and social development of Gongga.

Editor in charge: Feng Yanling