Multi departments in Chayu County jointly carry out urban gas safety management training
2024-05-11 16:49:24      Source: Webtrust Author:

Recently, Chayu County Housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau (urban gas special shift office) organized the county market supervision and administration bureau, county commerce bureau and county fire rescue brigade to carry out training on urban gas safety management in Chayu County. The training targets are persons in charge of sales units of gas appliances and related accessories, centralized dining units (including government agencies, enterprises and schools), restaurants, hotels, construction site canteens and liquefied gas filling units. The training was carried out in the form of "online+offline", with 186 participants. Bian Basanzhu, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Director of the Housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau of Chayu County, delivered a training mobilization speech.

At the training meeting, the staff of the Market Supervision Bureau of Chayu County made a comprehensive and detailed explanation by watching the warning cases and demonstrating the physical products of LPG cylinders, gas appliances and related accessories. Through the explanation, the staff made the participating units deeply realize the possible serious consequences of selling and using unqualified gas appliances and their related accessories. At the same time, they emphasized the responsibilities and obligations that the sales units should fulfill, strictly implement the "two regulations" for industrial products, and require strict control over the purchase channels to ensure the reliable quality of the products sold.

The staff of Chayu Fire Rescue Brigade explained in detail the importance of gas safety, common hidden dangers and preventive measures, introduced the correct use of gas equipment, key points of daily inspection and maintenance, and emergency disposal process, and demonstrated the troubleshooting and handling methods of common faults on site, and the emergency disposal process for gas accidents, including how to correctly alarm How to carry out initial rescue and how to organize personnel evacuation were explained and demonstrated in detail.

The staff of Chayu County Commerce Bureau summarized and sorted out the problems found in the daily inspection, listed the problems existing in the current gas use supervision of catering places, required rectification within a time limit, and emphasized that gas users bear important safety responsibilities. Only by earnestly performing these responsibilities can we ensure the safe use of gas and protect the lives and property of ourselves and others.

The staff of Chayu County Housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau once again stressed to the gas filling enterprise that the gas filling unit should immediately seal up and hand over to the inspection agency for scrapping the cylinders found to be overdue, unqualified, beyond the design service life, "black cylinders" or with potential safety risks, and require the gas supply personnel to do a good job of inspection with the cylinders and establish a standing book.

The training was highly valued and actively participated by all townships and relevant units, with wide coverage and good results. In the future work, Chayu County Housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau will continue to strengthen the awareness of gas safety risk prevention, strengthen gas safety management, ensure the safety of people's lives and property, and contribute to the construction of a safe and stable gas use environment.

Editor in charge: Feng Yanling
Previous: Chayu County Held the First "Yufeng Cup" Vocational Skills Competition

Record No.: Zang ICP Bei No. 2021000083 - 1
Copyright: People's Government of Chayu County Technical support: Tibet Media Group

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