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The unveiling ceremony of the "most beautiful family" in the Tibet Autonomous Region in 2024 was held in Lhasa
2024-05-17 17:56:46 Source: Tibet Daily

In the afternoon of May 15, the unveiling ceremony of the "Most Beautiful Family" of Tibet Autonomous Region in 2024, "Strive for a New Journey and Build a Family and Country Dream", was held in Lhasa. 80 families including Quzong family were rated as the "Most Beautiful Family" of Tibet Autonomous Region.

Wang Haizhou, member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee and head of the Propaganda Department of the Autonomous Region, attended and delivered a speech.

At the ceremony, commemorative cups were presented to representatives of the 10 most beautiful families, and Sorang Yangjin's family and Huo Tingjuan's family were invited to share their learning experience of Xi Jinping's Discussion on Paying Attention to Family Education and Family Style Construction, and they also watched the story videos of the most beautiful families together. Wang Haizhou, on behalf of the Party Committee and the government of the autonomous region, extended warm congratulations to the most beautiful family that was awarded. He said that the "most beautiful family" carries the ardent advice of General Secretary Xi Jinping on the construction of family education and family style, and hopes that the "most beautiful family" that has been praised will cherish honor and continue to promote the good atmosphere of civilization in the whole society.

Wang Haizhou pointed out that all local departments should be good at finding the "most beautiful" and selecting the "most beautiful" from the good deeds of ordinary people, give full play to the role of typical demonstration and guidance, increase publicity and promotion efforts, so that the good family ethos can take root and blossom in every family, and produce fruitful results of civilization. The majority of Party members and cadres should be strict in self-cultivation, family management and self-discipline. They should not only be advocates of good family discipline, but also be practitioners. They should take good family discipline, good family discipline and good family discipline as heirlooms from generation to generation. The whole society should actively promote family building, inherit good family customs with good families, drive good folk customs with good family customs, promote the construction of strong cultural areas with family teaching and family customs, and make new and greater contributions to writing the chapter of Chinese style modernization in Tibet.

It is understood that since 2014, the Women's Federation of the Autonomous Region has carried out a wide range of activities to find the "most beautiful families" in the region. Over the past decade, 899 of the most beautiful families in various autonomous regions have been commended.

Editor in charge: Ge Sangyangzong
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