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Lhasa North South Mountain Greening Project Promotion Meeting of the SASAC System of the District Government was held

2024-06-08 19:01

The government of the autonomous region studies and deploys key work such as sports event management

2024-06-08 19:00

Leaders of the autonomous region inspect the 2024 college entrance examination in our region

2024-06-08 19:02

Our district held a talent introduction promotion activity in Xi'an

2024-06-07 17:16

A symposium on the legislation of optimizing the business environment in the autonomous region was held

2024-06-07 17:18

Three famous rural craftsmen in our district won awards

2024-06-07 17:17

Accelerate the construction of yak industrial technology system in our district

2024-06-05 18:15

The Propaganda Department of the Party Committee of the autonomous region held a reading seminar on learning and education of party discipline

2024-06-05 18:14

Our district meticulously creates literary and artistic works for the audience

2024-06-05 18:14

Players from our district appeared in the final of the National Civil Affairs Industry Professional Skills Competition

2024-06-04 17:09

Significant achievements have been made in improving the digital literacy and skills of the whole people in our district

2024-06-04 17:13

The medical security bureau of the autonomous region held a military training contest for the medical security system of the whole region

2024-06-04 17:12

We will ensure water supply for spring irrigation

2024-06-03 17:09

Promoting the Party discipline learning and education in our district

2024-06-03 17:11

Our district launched the three-year action plan for digital empowerment

2024-06-03 17:13

In the first four months of this year, Tibet's total import and export value reached 2.786 billion yuan

2024-06-02 17:45

2024 The First Digital Tibet Industry Expo was held

2024-06-02 17:45

Tibet establishes the first demonstration base for carbon sink monitoring of man-made forests

2024-06-02 17:52

The People's Procuratorate of the Autonomous Region and the Education Department of the Region jointly carry out procuratorial open day activities

2024-06-01 18:45

The 7th ministerial meeting of the Propaganda Department of the Party Committee of the autonomous region in 2024 was held

2024-06-01 18:46

Flowers open to the sun, childlike innocence to the future - scanning the activities of celebrating the "June 1st" in our district

2024-06-01 18:52

Closing of the 10th Meeting of the Standing Committee of the 12th People's Congress of the Autonomous Region

2024-05-31 18:11

Key Laboratory of Satellite Remote Sensing and Applications of Tibet Autonomous Region was established

2024-05-31 18:14

The sense of security of the people of all ethnic groups in our district has exceeded 99% for five consecutive years

2024-05-30 19:23

Opening of the 10th Meeting of the Standing Committee of the 12th People's Congress of the Autonomous Region

2024-05-30 19:24

Our district focuses on the night inspection of potential safety hazards of electric bicycles

2024-05-29 18:39

Our district held a special lecture on "Classic" and "Legalized Business Environment"

2024-05-29 18:37

The 15th Chairman's Meeting of the 12th Tibetan Autonomous Region Committee of the CPPCC was held

2024-05-29 18:40

The second quarter of the district's key work of rural revitalization scheduling and promotion meeting was held

2024-05-28 18:04

Tibetan public security organs take multiple measures to enhance the sense of gain of the masses

2024-05-28 18:05
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