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For example, the special training class on accelerating the construction of the rule of law government in the county was opened
2024-05-13 16:46:05 Source: Netcom, for example

On May 9, for example, Qing Meiciren, member of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee, secretary of the Political and Legal Affairs Committee, and director of the Office of the County Party Committee to Rule the County by Law, attended the opening ceremony and delivered a speech.

At the ceremony, it was required to deeply study and implement Xi Jinping's rule of law thought, constantly strengthen the political position, enhance the awareness of the rule of law, closely combine Xi Jinping's rule of law thought with practical work, establish the concept of the rule of law, deeply understand the connotation and value of the rule of law, consciously maintain the authority of the law, enhance the awareness of the rule of law, and achieve consistency in words and deeds, and know and abide by the law. We should carry out solid and in-depth education on Party discipline learning. Party members and cadres should consciously use Xi Jinping's worldview and methodology of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era to analyze and solve practical problems in building a rule of law government, and effectively translate the achievements of Party discipline learning and education into the effectiveness of promoting the building of a rule of law government. We should enhance our own quality and ability, constantly learn legal knowledge, improve the ability to apply the law, and be able to administer according to law and make scientific decisions in our work. Focus on teamwork, form a good atmosphere to jointly promote the construction of a rule of law government, give play to collective wisdom and strength, and jointly promote the modernization of the national governance system and governance capacity. We should earnestly fulfill the responsibility requirements of the rule of law construction, start from the convenience and benefit of the people, and earnestly meet the needs of the people for the rule of law, complement the shortcomings by benchmarking, tighten the responsibility chain, accurately and carefully supervise, and ensure that all work tasks are implemented. We should be in the best state of mind, the most correct state of learning, and the most rigorous style of study. We should learn and listen to each lesson well, so that we can think about what we have learned, achieve what we have learned, and apply what we have learned, and effectively turn learning achievements into the motivation for doing business.

The training lasts for two days, and two teachers from the Party School of Naqu Municipal Committee of the CPC are invited to attend the training in a centralized way. The members of the county party committee comprehensively govern the county according to law, as well as the main principals and business backbones of each township.

Editor in charge: Xiang Ba Cizhen
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