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Li Chengtong Chairs the (Enlarged) Meeting of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee

2024-05-28 16:51

Li Chengtong Chairs the Learning Meeting of the Theoretical Learning Center Group of the County Party Committee

2024-05-21 16:22

Li Chengtong Chairs the 16th Meeting of the 10th Leading Group for County Party Committee's Patrol Work

2024-05-17 17:33

Li Chengtong went to Xiaqu Town and other places to inspect and guide recent key work

2024-05-13 16:48

Li Chengtong Chairs the Learning Meeting of the Theoretical Learning Center Group of the County Party Committee

2024-04-01 17:20

Li Chengtong Chairs the (Enlarged) Meeting of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee

2024-04-01 17:15

Li Chengtong Chairs the Learning Meeting of the Theoretical Learning Center Group of the County Party Committee

2024-03-22 21:25

Li Chengtong Chairs the Learning Meeting of the Theoretical Learning Center Group of the County Party Committee

2024-03-20 18:34

Li Chengtong Chairs the (Enlarged) Meeting of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee

2024-03-19 11:39

For example, Li Chengtong attended the county's propaganda, ideological and cultural work conference

2024-03-19 11:08

Li Chengtong Chairs the Meeting of the County Committee for Comprehensive Rule of Law

2024-03-19 11:07

Li Chengtong Chairs a Meeting of the Leading Group for Grassroots Party Construction of the County Party Committee

2024-03-01 17:44

Li Chengtong Chairs the (Enlarged) Meeting of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee

2024-02-28 09:54

Li Chengtong Chairs the Learning Meeting of the Theoretical Learning Center Group of the County Party Committee

2024-02-26 17:16

Li Chengtong went to Liangqu Township, such as town, to inspect, guide and visit

2024-02-18 22:03

For example, Li Chengtong attended the theme education summary meeting held by the county

2024-02-06 17:38

Li Chengtong Chairs the Regular Meeting of Warning Education on Party Conduct and Incorruption in the County

2024-02-05 18:04

Li Chengtong Chairs the (Enlarged) Meeting of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee

2024-02-02 17:41

Li Chengtong led the inspection and guidance of safety production and market supply

2024-02-02 17:39

Li Chengtong Chairs the Learning Meeting of the Theoretical Learning Center Group of the County Party Committee

2024-02-01 10:21

For example, Li Chengtong attended the county party committee economic work meeting

2024-01-26 17:49

Li Chengtong Chairs the (Enlarged) Meeting of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee

2024-01-25 20:38

Li Chengtong Chairs the Collective Heart to Heart Talk Meeting of County level Leading Cadres

2024-01-18 18:45

Li Chengtong Chairs the Special Meeting of the County Party Committee on Strictly Managing the Party in an All round Way

2024-01-18 18:45

Li Chengtong Chairs the (Enlarged) Meeting of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee

2024-01-18 00:12

Li Chengtong Chairs the Learning Meeting of the Theoretical Learning Center Group of the County Party Committee

2023-12-19 17:22

For example, Li Chengtong attended the national public memorial ceremony held in the county

2023-12-14 18:03

For example, Li Chengtong attended the meeting of newly appointed cadres held in the county

2023-12-12 17:54

Li Chengtong Chairs the (Enlarged) Meeting of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee

2023-12-12 17:24

Li Chengtong Chairs the Military Conference of the County Committee

2023-12-04 18:14
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