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Li Chengtong went to Xiaqu Town and other places to inspect and guide recent key work
2024-05-13 16:48:35 Source: Netcom, for example

On May 9, for example, Li Chengtong, the secretary of the county party committee, went to Xiaqu Town, Qiaze Township, Datang Township, Chaqu Township, Liangqu Township, such as Xiaqu Town and other places to guide and inspect key work such as learning and education of party discipline, centralized rectification of unhealthy practices and corruption around the masses, project construction, cordyceps collection, and ecological environmental protection.

Li Chengtong stressed that it is necessary to have a deep understanding of the importance of carrying out Party discipline learning and education, and focusing on the rectification of unhealthy practices and corruption around the masses, strengthen political responsibility, shoulder the main responsibility, and organically combine it with the county's "year of basic breakthrough at the grass-roots level", "year of deepening style construction" and other work, plan and promote it as a whole. We should strictly observe discipline, grasp the objectives and requirements, highlight the key points of learning, clarify the changes in regulations, master the new regulations, keep in mind the compliance with regulations and disciplines, internalize them into the code of words and deeds, and truly realize the awareness of awe, fear and bottom line. It is necessary to highlight the key points, focus on rural revitalization, people's livelihood, anti mafia and other issues, unblock the channels for letters and visits, do a good job in handling mailbox appeals, and effectively solve a number of outstanding problems strongly reflected by the masses.

At the construction site of the Second Primary School and the Second Kindergarten in Xiaqu Town and the First Middle School in Xiaqu County, Li Chengtong stressed that we should seize the project progress, strengthen scientific scheduling, get enough mechanical personnel, pay wages on time, control the construction, progress, environmental protection and safety, further compact the responsibility, reverse the schedule, improve efficiency, and ensure that the project is completed, accepted, put into use, and benefit the masses at an early date. We should pay close attention to safety construction, put safety production work in a prominent position, continue to strengthen the refinement of work measures, strictly implement the safety production responsibility system, strictly control the quality and safety of the project, and resolutely eliminate the hidden dangers of project quality.

In Qiaze Township, Li Chengtong required that we should adhere to the people centered development philosophy, earnestly shoulder our political responsibilities, strengthen reporting on requests for instructions, improve service temperature, strengthen communication and coordination, orderly organize the masses to advance, handle certificates according to laws and regulations, and ensure steady progress of all work and all links. We should adhere to and develop the "Maple Bridge experience" in the new era, take the grass-roots front line as the main position for resolving conflicts and disputes, deepen the substantive operation of the "one-stop" conflict and dispute mediation center, run mediation through the conflict and dispute resolution work from beginning to end, and fully incorporate the conflict and dispute resolution work into the legal track, so as to effectively achieve the fundamental goal of resolving disputes.

In Chaqu Township, Li Chengtong required that the township party committees should take the initiative and plan actively, carry out timely and effective self inspection and self correction by listing, cleaning and standardizing institutions, adopt the idea of "cleaning first, then standardizing", and help the grass-roots level loosen ties and reduce burdens by pilot first and steadily advancing.

At the temporary dump of domestic waste in Liangqu Township, Li Chengtong stressed that it is necessary to consolidate the rectification results, adhere to the combination of temporary and permanent solutions, focus on the rectification time limit, further compact the work responsibilities, accelerate the rectification progress, and improve the satisfaction of the masses with concrete rectification results. It is necessary to standardize waste transfer, strictly implement relevant management measures and requirements, regularly conduct environmental monitoring, improve the efficiency of cleaning and transportation, and ensure that waste is timely and effectively treated. It is necessary to strengthen ecological restoration, focus on the "two mountains" theoretical practice and innovation leading area, and plan environmental restoration work such as cleaning soil, covering soil and backfilling, planting trees in advance.

At Zhengdong Automobile Testing Center, Li Chengtong required that testing should be carried out in strict accordance with laws and regulations, professional training of testing personnel should be strengthened, testing standards should be strictly implemented, and service quality should be effectively improved.

During this period, Li Chengtong carried out forest patrol work. He stressed that it is necessary to thoroughly implement Xi Jinping's ecological civilization thought, implement the responsibility of the forest director system level by level, increase forest patrol efforts and daily management and protection, strengthen supervision and efficiency, strictly and carefully prevent and control forest fires, and promote the implementation of the forest director system.

Editor in charge: Xiang Ba Cizhen
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