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For example, the County Culture and Tourism Bureau organized the shooting and recommended the declaration of the fourth batch of municipal intangible cultural heritage representative projects
2024-05-17 17:32:01 Source: such as cultural tourism

In order to better protect and inherit the representative projects of intangible cultural heritage at the county level, and enhance the public's awareness and attention to intangible cultural heritage, recently, for example, the County Culture and Tourism Bureau organized personnel to take field photos of the representative projects of intangible cultural heritage at the county level.

This shooting work covers representative projects of intangible cultural heritage in many fields, including traditional skills, traditional medicine, etc. These projects were photographed comprehensively and meticulously, striving to record the unique charm and exquisite skills of each project truthfully and accurately.

During the shooting process, the staff of the County Culture and Tourism Bureau had in-depth exchanges with the inheritors of intangible cultural heritage, understood their inheritance stories and technical characteristics, and provided strong support and guidance for the shooting work. At the same time, the staff also actively publicized the importance of intangible cultural heritage protection to intangible heritage inheritors, and encouraged them to continue to inherit and develop their skills.

This shooting not only left valuable image data for the representative projects of intangible cultural heritage at the county level, but also laid a solid foundation for the recommendation and application of the fourth batch of municipal intangible cultural heritage representative projects. In the next step, the County Culture and Tourism Bureau will continue to carry out the representative projects of intangible cultural heritage at the county level and the shooting work of inheritors, strengthen the protection and publicity of intangible cultural heritage, and hold exhibitions, lectures, training and other activities

Editor in charge: Xiang Ba Cizhen
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