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For example, the party group of the county government held the 26th special learning meeting
2022-12-17 16:21:57 Source: for example, county network information office

On December 16, for example, the party group of the county government held the 26th special learning meeting. For example, Mima Ciren, Deputy Secretary of the County Party Committee and Acting County Chief, presided over the meeting and delivered a speech.

The meeting required that all departments directly under the county level should conscientiously improve their political standing, consciously study, publicize and implement the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress, the 3rd Plenary Session of the 10th CPC Committee of the Autonomous Region, the 2nd Plenary Session of the 2nd CPC Committee of Naqu City and, for example, the 4th Plenary Session of the 10th CPC Committee of the county as the primary political task at present and in the future, as a firm and resolute support for "two establishment", strengthen the "four awareness" Firmly adhere to the "four self-confidence" and achieve the practical test of "two maintenance"; This year, we have achieved good results in the overall promotion of epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development. The reason is that the majority of Party members and cadres have firmly shouldered their responsibilities and grasped the work at hand. It is a major responsibility for us to complete this year's goals and tasks, promote high-quality development, and implement the new positioning of "like development" in the normalization of epidemic prevention and control, We should firmly shoulder the major responsibilities we shoulder, and strive to promote the construction of "one county, one city and four districts"; Constantly strengthen the ability to implement and penetrate, give play to the role of party members and cadres, and do all work in a down-to-earth manner. For the things identified and determined, we must focus on and focus on the actual situation. We should really think about the actual situation, seek the actual situation, grasp the actual situation, supervise the actual situation, and implement the actual situation. We should not stay on the surface, form, oral, and document.

The meeting stressed that all work should be planned, arranged and started early, the plan should be advanced and the progress should be kept ahead, the detailed basic work should be done, and the plan should be well known, the action should be taken, the promotion should be powerful, the initiative should be played, and the start should be won; It is necessary to systematically check and sort out the work of the department, summarize experience, find out problems, clarify direction, and come up with ideas. All the goals and deployment work should be targeted, done immediately, and in place, so as to achieve quick response, action, and rhythm; We should strengthen problem awareness, problem orientation, focus on major contradictions, weak links, and gaps, truly solve problems, and seek breakthroughs in work; We should pay attention to the classified guidance. For the work with clear tasks and specific requirements, we should define the time limit, implement it quickly, and organize the implementation carefully; For tasks that only require direction, we should do a good job of research, promote the innovation of working ideas, ideas and methods, and explore ways to try to solve them; We should conscientiously implement the spirit of the fourth plenary session of the tenth session of the county party committee, and work together to build a regional center in the east of Naqu and strive to build a new example of socialist modernization.

Editor in charge: Ge Sangzhuoga
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