Baqing County Public Security Bureau solidly carries out security inspection
2024-04-19 18:01:36      Source: Ping'an Baqing

On April 16, in combination with the "7+1" working mode, the police stations of Baqing County Public Security Bureau organized the people's auxiliary police to carry out safety inspection and publicity work in the business places, construction units and residents' homes under their jurisdiction, so as to improve the quality and efficiency of social security prevention and control.

During this period, the police of the Public Security Bureau of Baqing County mainly inspected the fire safety facilities, video monitoring system, security risk prevention measures, etc. of commercial places and construction units, carefully checked the residents' use of fire, electricity, gas, etc., and urged the rectification of the hidden dangers found on the site, so as to eliminate all kinds of security risks in a timely manner. At the same time, the police actively popularized security knowledge such as anti fraud, fire prevention, waterproof, electricity prevention and theft prevention to relevant responsible persons and the masses.


Editor in charge: Li Chenghui

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