Every township in Baqing County carried out safety publicity activities during cordyceps collection
2024-05-15 17:22:08      Source: Netcom Baqing

In recent days, all towns and villages in Baqing County have organized grassroots propagandists to carry out safety publicity activities during cordyceps collection.

In the publicity activities, the village team and the grassroots propagandists explained the safety precautions during the cordyceps collection period, the cordyceps collection management regulations and relevant requirements to the masses in plain language, and educated and guided the masses in the area to improve their awareness of safety risk prevention and prevent various safety accidents. At the same time, actively guide the people to do a good job in environmental protection, do not litter, landfill and dig the grassland after cordyceps in time, and ensure the sustainable use of cordyceps resources.

This propaganda activity effectively improved the safety awareness and responsibility awareness of the masses, and provided a solid guarantee for actively creating a rule of law, safe and harmonious environment for cordyceps collection.

Editor in charge: Cang La

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